Corporate Travel Management Companies: Complete Guide

Corporate Travel Management Companies

Businesses have a legal and moral responsibility to keep their travelers safe from threats. Similarly, threats can range from something as serious as an outbreak of an infectious disease to losing a passport. Undoubtedly, assistance with risk management is a huge benefit of working with corporate travel management companies. In this piece, you will learn about the best corporate travel management companies.

Corporate Travel Management Companies

Corporate travel management companies, or CTMCs, offer their corporate clients services to assist in managing their work travel. Also, this can involve supplying traveler cost and trip tracking software, making travel and hotel reservations, coordinating car rentals and other modes of transportation, and offering customer assistance while the traveler is away.

Furthermore, this can be quite helpful for businesses with a large number of workers that often travel for work because it keeps track of all the costs and logistics related to business travel. Furthermore, corporate travel management firms may often bargain for reduced prices for their clients on a variety of travel services.

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Who Is the CEO of Corporate Travel Management?

Ms. Debbie Carling

Debbie has more than 25 years of experience working in the travel industry, during which time she has held a number of crucial strategic and managerial positions. In 2008, Debbie who also started her career in sales in 1984 at Britannic Travel, was promoted to the position of European General Manager at the international travel management business FCM.

What Is the Value of Corporate Travel Management?

  • Cost reductions: Cost reduction is one of the main benefits of hiring corporate travel management companies. This covers lodging costs, insurance, airfare, and any other relevant costs.
  • Time management: A committed corporate travel manager will control the flow of time so you and your workers may concentrate on other tasks.
  • Efficiency: Employers should use a corporate travel management company to guarantee that their staff adheres to all relevant travel laws and travel in a safe manner.

How Do You Become a Corporate Travel Manager?

There aren’t really any entry-level corporate travel manager positions you can start out in because the amount of experience needed to become one is rather large. Because of this, becoming one is a little more difficult than other possible career options.

The following major actions can assist you in getting hired as a corporate travel manager:

  • Get the proper training and education.
  • Study GDS.
  • Get off to a good start.
  • Networks everywhere.
  • Depth knowledge of the travel business

What Skills Do You Need to Be a Travel Manager?

A corporate travel manager must be highly organized and have strong communication skills. Moreover, strategic thinkers also make excellent corporate travel planners since they must take long-term business goals into account.

  • Management: Corporate travel managers could be in charge of other travel agents or they might work independently, depending on the size of the business.
  • Technology: Corporate travel managers may connect to a variety of software, websites, and applications over the course of their work. Additionally, as the travel manager is likely to use technology on a daily basis, it is crucial for them to comprehend it and feel at ease using it.
  • Communication: To ensure that everyone understands the information the manager offers, excellent verbal and oral communication skills are needed.
  • Interpersonal: Building relationships with travel agents is a part of a corporate travel manager’s job. Also, strong connections with vendors can result in better rates and give a travel manager insight into how they do business.
  • Financial: Managing a worker’s travel budget is one of a corporate travel manager’s main duties.
  • Problem-Solving: Travel can be difficult for a variety of reasons, including unexpected crises, lodging problems, aircraft delays, and cancellations. In addition, corporate travel managers benefit greatly from having strong problem-solving skills.

Why Is Corporate Travel Manager Important?

A corporate travel manager is a person who designs and develops a company’s travel policy. That is to say, they make sure that all travel by employees is safe and follows business rules. They often work quickly because they must address any unexpected travel problems. They might also aid in picking a corporate travel service that will manage reservations and negotiate rates so that they can concentrate on other duties.

What Does a Corporate Travel Planner Do?

All corporate travel for all workers is handled by a corporate travel planner. In addition, they handle everything and more, including reserving hotels and venues for gatherings, meetings, reservations at restaurants, and all kinds of ground transport.

Some primary duties for travel planners include the following:

  • Dealing with credit card fraud and charges
  • Handles the cost and payment of business trips
  • Takes care of all logistics and travel preparations abroad.
  • Oversees interactions with suppliers and the usage of travel agencies
  • Gives all necessary travel documentation, insurance, and any applicable rules.
  • Creates appropriate policies and procedures for company travel
  • Creates an enhanced travel schedule for both local and foreign trips.

How Do I Get Corporate Travel Clients?

How can you catch their attention? What moves them? How do you get them to buy from you?

In the corporate sector, standard marketing tactics might not be effective. While the bulk of niches responds well to customized, casual, and more direct approaches. That is not how a business operates. They prefer manners that are formal, eloquent, and impressionable.

Let’s discuss a few ways you can use that to have a better chance of succeeding in a corporate market.

#1. Network building

In the corporate world, networking is the most effective strategy. And also over ads or casual attempts, favor contacts, and connections.

#2. Advertisement

Make sure to focus more on tangibles and also on tactics when marketing to businesses.

#3. Targeting

The needs, tastes, corporate cultures, tastes, and policies of various corporations vary. As a result, ensure you are aware of the demands and desires of your niche.

#4. Ensure Uniformity Across All Platforms

Even if you are a less recent player, you don’t want to come across as a clueless, unfit travel agent. Due to this, you need to consider carefully how you want to define your brand’s image and make sure that message is consistent throughout various media, such as:

  • Social sites
  • Email
  • distributing business cards
  • Website
  • Advertising

#5. Engage Lead Generation Service

Connecting with a host travel company like Travel Planners Worldwide is an excellent approach to increasing your clients. Consequently, as a member of a host agency, you have access to a wide range of advantages that can help you convert potential leads into repeat clients.

What is Corporate Travel Management System?

Corporate Travel Management Systems give businesses the ability to manage all travel-related expenses quickly and in accordance with corporate travel guidelines. In addition, employees may plan, oversee, and track travel using the system without the assistance of any specialized agents. Through an automated approval system, the administrators can approve and pay for these trips. Companies use it to develop reports on their travel data and to gather information to optimize and regulate their spending on travel. Also, the system’s capabilities also include tracking and gathering previous travel invoices.

Best Corporate Travel Management Companies

The need for effective and cheap travel management is growing as businesses increase their coverage of the global market. As a result, of this new era of globalization, businesses are looking for talented managers who can help them handle the rising costs and difficult challenges of doing business overseas.

 Additionally, the following list includes the best travel management companies for businesses of 

all sizes:

  • TravelBank: A complete corporate travel management solution from TravelBank is available, and it covers cost reports, money management, and booking. Moreover, businesses may save time and money while ensuring that their staff travel safely and without incident by using TravelBank
  • AMEX GBT: AMEX GBT is a fantastic choice if you’re looking for a quick and dependable solution to manage your business travel. Their direct contact during disruptions and risk alerts makes them a trusted option, and their pre-negotiated pricing may help you save money.
  • SAP Concur: A complete solution for companies trying to control their travel expenses is SAP Concur. Additionally, they offer a variety of services, such as invoicing, expense reporting, and booking tools, and simplified travel routines at lower costs, it is the perfect answer.
  • CWT: A 150-year-old firm, CWT is present in 150 nations. It offers a robust and user-friendly business-to-business platform for employees. Furthermore, travelers may reserve rooms at more than 800,000 sites through their myCWT app, which is free on PCs and mobile devices.
  • Egencia: A travel management system called Egencia can assist companies in keeping track of their travelers’ and transport information. Also, this can provide both the safety of travelers and a seamless travel itinerary. Egencia also provides data and analytics so that businesses may check the success of their travelers and identify areas for growth.

Who Is the Largest Travel Management Company?

Expedia Group

The largest travel management company in the world in 2022. Additionally, the Rank Company generates over $99 billion in revenue. In general, one of its four pillars is Expedia for Business, which consists of business-to-business solutions and relationships across the travel ecosystem. Also, Expedia Services, which focuses on the group’s platform and technical strategy, Expedia Marketplace, and Expedia Brands, which houses all of our consumer brands.


Having a vast understanding of the progress in the travel industry that offers the desired traveler well-being, and saves clients money and time is one of the most crucial factors, Also, to use and be the best among corporate travel management companies, a loyalty rewards plan and around-the-clock customer service should be offered.

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FAQs About Corporate Travel Management Companies

How Much Commission Do Travel Agents Make?

Most travel agents who work for commissions earn 5% on domestic flights and 10% to 20% on foreign flights when they sell airline tickets. Also, the fees for booking hotels are similar.

What Is the Lowest Salary for a Corporate Travel Agent in the UK?

What Is the Lowest Salary for a Corporate Travel Agent in the UK?

In the United States, the yearly minimum wage for a corporate travel agent is $34,725.

What Are the Top 5 Best Paying Related Virtual Corporate Travel Agent Jobs in the U.S.?

  • Travel Expenses ($119,576)
  • Travel Agencies ($118,704)
  • Nurse Travel ($117,891)
  • Director Travel ($112,880)
  • Travel Partner ($107,442)