HOLIDAYS IN MAY: Special Days in May

Holidays in May

There are plenty of holidays in May to choose from, so you’re sure to find one that suits your interests. Whether you want to celebrate Memorial Day, Cinco de Mayo, or Mother’s Day, there’s a holiday for everyone in May. So get out there and enjoy the warmer weather and all the fun activities that come with it!

List of the Holidays in May

Below is a list of the holidays in May

#1. Loyalty Day

This is one of the holidays in May. People always celebrate this annual holiday celebration on May 1. National Loyalty Day provides an opportunity to express and reinforce our patriotism. President George W. Bush declared this day, writing, “We express devotion to our nation and its foundational ideals, and we commit to guarantee that the blessings of liberty remain and extend for generations to come.” This day, however, did not begin with George W. Bush’s announcement. It dates from the 1920s. On Loyalty Day, we renew our commitment to our country and the goals of our forefathers. We should also take a minute to thank the personnel of our armed forces for their unwavering dedication and service in defending our liberties, liberty, and way of life.

History of Loyalty Day

In the 1920s, Loyalty Day was first observed. America was concerned about the rise of communism. Some people at the time thought of May Day (May 1) as a Communist holiday. In some ways, Loyalty Day was designed to combat this. With the passage of Public Law 85-529 on July 18, 1958, the United States Congress declared this a legal holiday. The following year, on May 1, 1959, President Dwight D. Eisenhower declared it the first National Loyalty Day.

#2. Mother Goose Day

This day usually falls on May 1 every year. Mother Goose Day was very recently established as a day to celebrate children’s literature. Both the youngsters and their parents love them. The 1650s is when the phrase “Mother Goose” first appeared. Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, and Sleeping Beauty were among the tales mentioned. Since many of the “Mother Goose” stories were written both before and after this name was first used, it does not seem to be intended to symbolize a specific individual. Additionally, a variety of authors contributed to the pieces. Read Mother Goose rhymes and stories to your kids or grandchildren to celebrate “Mother Goose Day.”

#3. Brothers and Sisters Day

This day usually falls on May 2. It’s important to value your siblings on Brothers and Sisters Day. Of course, there are times when you love your siblings. Furthermore, there are moments when you desire to reject them. Overall, having a brother or sister is quite valuable. You learn to value them more as you get older. Make a connection with them to honor Brothers and Sisters Day. For those who are too far apart, a card or a phone call is appropriate. A visit or a meal together is a wonderful way to celebrate this unique day.

#4. Cinco de Mayo

This is also one of the holidays in May. The Battle of Puebla was won by the Mexican army on May 5, 1862, over the French army. A European colonial power was defeated, and the Mexican people were victorious in this one military conflict. The origins of Cinco de Mayo lie in this one conflict. The Mexican Independence Day, which is on September 16, is not Cinco de Mayo. Cinco de Mayo has evolved into much more than just one conflict in Mexico’s colonial past. Instead, it now represents Mexican and Hispanic pride and a moment to honor these vibrant cultures. Mexicans now commemorate this occasion, particularly the Hispanic population in the United States. It’s a time for celebration, dancing, singing, and, in general, showing off your Hispanic heritage.

#5. National Nurses Day

There are several other days to honor this important profession in addition to National Nurses Week and National Nurses Day. Throughout this week, there are various designated Nurses Days as well as National Nurses Week, which honor nurses for their dedication to providing high-quality healthcare. It raises awareness of the value of nurses in providing for the care, comfort, and well-being of all of us, particularly our children, the elderly, and those who are ill.

#6. National Tourist Appreciation Day

People celebrate National Tourist Appreciation Day annually on May 6. If you are a tourist today, expect to be treated well. But hold on a second. You should always be treated as a visitor, period. Vacations are far too infrequent and infrequently spaced apart. You expect and deserve to be treated nicely when you travel and spend your hard-earned money. You are entitled to be catered to, pampered, and taken care of since you have earned (and paid for) it.

Moreover, hotels, eateries, sights, and other tourist destinations can and should be expected to celebrate this day in a large way. Inform these tourist destinations in advance if they are unaware of the holiday. Then schedule your vacation to fall on today’s holiday.

#7. National Teachers Day

This holiday falls on Tuesday in the first full week of May. National Teacher’s Day is today. Everybody who accomplishes anything worthwhile, significant, and beneficial deserves a day dedicated to them. Without a doubt, teachers are among the most worthy. This job is crucial. It is up to them whether our kids succeed or fail. Besides, this day recognizes the diligent, forgiving, and compassionate people who care for our kids. Our children’s teachers have a beneficial influence on who they are and how they develop. Teachers have a significant role in our children’s lives from kindergarten through college.

#8. Mother’s Day

Another one of the holidays in May is Mother’s Day. The second Sunday in May is when this holiday falls. It’s Mother’s Day. Therefore, Mom is the focus of today. Everyone has a mother, and your mother is the most special person in the world. Dad is, indeed, quite significant, and grandparents are as well. However, mothers are simply the best. They are consistently our staunchest allies, despite being sometimes taken for granted. Mom sees nothing wrong with you. There is no one who can help you more when you are hurt or ill than your mother. When our son was in the ER, I noticed this. Dad was, indeed, a significant figure. However, seeing my son’s expression with his mother by his side confirmed the value and calming nature of his mom.

#9. International Museum Day

The date of this holiday is always May 18. It’s an excellent idea to visit, respect, and support your neighborhood museum on International Museum Day. The objectives of International Museum Day are to introduce the public to museum workers and to raise awareness of the difficulties that museums face. There is always a new topic every year.

#10. Armed Forces Day

The third Saturday in May is always designated as “Armed Forces Day.” Armed Forces Day is just a day to express our sincere gratitude to all of the military service members who safeguard you and our nation. They are frequently called upon to carry out a dangerous mission for their country and freedom at the drop of a hat. Besides, they work hard in their physical and mental preparation. They are therefore equipped to succeed in every mission they undertake.

#11. Memorial Day

Memorial Day is also one of the holidays in May. The final Monday in May is always the day to celebrate this holiday. The final Monday in May is always Memorial Day. Memorial Day honors military personnel who gave their lives defending the nation and its freedom. Additionally, it is a moment to honor departed loved ones. Memorial Day celebrations have their origins at the end of the Civil War in 1865. Perhaps Nathan Hale, who was about to be executed by the British for spying for the Continental Army, best captured the ultimate sacrifice made by millions of American service members and veterans when he said, “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country,” as he was about to be put to death.

The 30th of May has historically been observed as Memorial Day. To make a three-day holiday weekend, Congress changed it to the final Monday in 1971. Regardless of the day, we urge you to observe Memorial Day customs by going to a parade and a cemetery to commemorate and respect our fallen servicemen. Spend some time honoring your deceased loved ones in the manner you deem proper.

#12. World No Tobacco Day

World No Tobacco Day, which is always commemorated on May 31, raises awareness of the health problems and addiction problems associated with tobacco smoking. Both chewing tobacco and smoking tobacco are included. This May 31 holiday emphasizes how crucial it is to educate people about the risks smoking tobacco poses to their health. Additionally, it emphasizes how addicting tobacco smoking is. Worldwide medical groups endorse World No Tobacco Day. On this day, a lot of organizations and groups promote quitting smoking. They advocate for spreading awareness of the problems and risks associated with using any kind of tobacco.

What Fun Days Are in May?

  • May 1: May Day.
  • 2nd May: National Truffle Day.
  • 3rd May: World Press Freedom Day.
  • 4th May: Bird Day.
  • 5th May: Cinco de Mayo.
  • 6th May: International No Diet Day.
  • 7th May: National Cosmopolitan Day.
  • 8th May: Iris Day.

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FAQs About Holidays in May

What is a holiday celebrated in May?

In addition to Memorial Day, Mother’s Day, and Cinco de Mayo, May holidays and observances include the Kentucky Derby, the Indianapolis 500, National Barbecue Day, and dozens of other events,

Is May 25th a special day?

National days on Wed May 25th, 2022. Explore worldwide events, festivals, funny, weird, and national days on this day! It’s National Tap Dance Day, National Wine Day, Geek Pride Day, National Senior Health & Fitness Day, Towel Day… and much more!

Is May 6 a holiday in UK?

The first Monday of May is a bank holiday in the UK. It is a day off in England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.