How Much Does It Cost to Relocate to Canada from Nigeria?

How Much Does It Cost to Relocate to Canada from Nigeria?

People migrating is no longer news. As a company, we’ve seen colleagues leave to start new lives in different countries. Instead of pretending that this situation does not exist, we have chosen to publish a finance guide to assist those who are moving to Canada from Nigeria.

In this post, we will discuss how much it costs to migrate to Canada from Nigeria as a permanent resident (PR).

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Cost of Relocating to Canada from Nigeria

1. Opening an immigration account is free unless you want to engage an agent for the procedure.

2. Getting your school to deliver your transcript via courier will cost anything from N15,000 to as much as you can imagine – especially when you consider the stress that typically comes with obtaining transcripts from specific universities in Nigeria. So, you may require a lot of luck in addition to money.

3. Getting WES to transcribe your transcript.

There is an additional cost for WES to transcribe the transcript your school delivers to them. It presently costs $227 (CAD). Depending on the conversion rate, this is now priced at N219,718. However, requesting that WES offer you a paper version of their review may incur additional costs.  

4. Registration expenses for IELTS: N107,500.

5. The amount you will require for proof of funds (POF) is determined by the number of persons coming to Canada with you. Refer to the table below for a breakdown.

Number of family membersFunds required (in Canadian dollars)
For each additional family member$3,586
Table as seen here

If you are migrating to Canada alone, your proof of money should be worth N10,500,000 or higher.

Although you are not technically “spending” your evidence of cash to migrate to Canada, you must produce it as proof that you have enough money to meet your living expenses for at least 6 months when you arrive.

Total spent (without POF) = N301,500+

Total funds needed (including POF) =  N10,801,500+

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Are these the only costs needed to relocate to Canada?


Remember, you only need to produce evidence of money if you get an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for permanent residency. 

If you’re sent an ITA, you’ll need to present more documentation, which costs money.

  • Police report – N5,000 upwards
  • Medical report – N10,000 upwards (Depending on which hospital you’re using)
  • Biometrics – $85 CAD / about N67,000
  • Visa application – $850 CAD / about N670,000
  • Right of permanent residence fee – $515 CAD / about N405,000

Total = N1,157,000+

Of course, the chances are that you will pay more than the estimations shown above. Food and other necessities are not among these rates, so budget for unforeseen expenses.


Relocating to Canada from Nigeria involves various expenses that need to be carefully considered and planned for. By understanding the cost factors involved, such as visa fees, housing costs, living expenses, and additional expenses, you can create a realistic budget for your relocation.