JANUARY HOLIDAYS: Special Days in January

January holidays

January is an excellent month for holiday celebrations! There are numerous occasions to commemorate, ranging from New Year’s Day to Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Consider any of the holidays on this list if you’re searching for something different to do during January. There’s something for everyone, from National Blueberry Pancake Day to National Pie Day. So, take a vacation from the cold and celebrate one of these enjoyable holidays!

List of January Holidays

The holidays in the month of January include:

#1. New Year’s Day, January 1st

This is one of the January holidays. We observe New Year’s Day on January 1 and is a time for resolving planning, and optimism. There’s a hunch that this year we’ll finally implement the resolutions we’ve had: more sleep, healthier food, more exercise, and perhaps a new career. The purpose of New Year’s Day is to take a time to prepare for the events that are about to occur. Happy New Year!

Brief History of New Year

Some people start the New Year with concoctions to cure their hangovers and prayers of thanksgiving for making it through. Over 4,000 years ago, the ancient peoples of Mesopotamia and Babylon celebrated the new year. They observed the lunar phases and the vernal equinox when light and dark were equally distributed, as the beginning of a new year.

Additionally, Pope Gregory XIII synchronized the calendar with the earth’s rotation around the sun in 1582, establishing the 365-day Gregorian calendar. Likewise, at the beginning of the spring equinox in the eighth century, the ancient Roman calendar was adopted. In addition, most historians attribute the creation of the Julian calendar, which designates January 1 as the start of a new year, to the Roman emperor Julius Caesar.

#2. Apple Gifting Day, January 1st

Every year on January 1, people observe Apple Gifting Day as one of the many customs associated with ringing in the new year. Giving someone an apple on New Year’s Day is a way of wishing them good health for the coming year because apples are a sign of health. Apples come in a variety of forms, including candied apples, apples for tarts and other sweet dishes, and apples for eating raw. Give an apple to your loved ones on Apple Gifting Day.

Brief History of Apple Gifting Day

Before Christ, people have long given apples as presents. Giving fruits as the new year began was customary in the ancient Greek and Roman empires. Additionally, giving mistletoe, gilded nuts, and sacred tree branches as gifts was a long-standing custom that permeated all of Europe, including in Celtic civilizations. Also, Apples were frequently given to teachers in the early years of American history as payment. Even when instructors began receiving payment in cash, this tradition of gifting apples persisted. The kids’ apple gifts, however, were later reduced to a mere expression of appreciation. The custom is still excellent, even though it has become archaic and purely historic in modern times.

#3. Bonza Bottler Day, January 1st

This is also one of the January holidays. Bonza Bottler Day is a monthly event that takes place on the day that the month’s number and the day’s number line up. The following date is January 1st. Is it really true that Bonza Bottler Day has been around for more than 35 years? The only occasions we commemorate in a month are births, significant life events, or historical occasions. However, we never had a reason to honor a month for what it is until Bonza Bottler Day was established. Every month, Bonza Bottler Day enables us to enjoy ourselves and celebrate with friends and family.

Brief History of Bonza Bottler Day

Every month of the year is honored on Bonza Bottler Day. Our current calendar’s origins date back to Romulus, Rome’s first ruler, who ruled in 735 B.C. Even though there were 12 months on the calendar, only 10 were given official names. Sometimes, in the second half of February, more days can be added. In 713 B.C., Numa Pompilius, the second emperor of Rome, made additional calendar adjustments. The first was the beginning of January (Ianuarius) and February, two new months (Februarius). The second was giving every month an odd number of days. The purpose of intercalation is to keep the calendar in step with the seasons.

In addition, Julius Caesar invented intercalation to lengthen an ally’s term and shorten an adversary’s. The Numa calendar was changed to a 365-day fixed calendar with a 366-day leap year every four years. The Gregorian calendar, which Pope Gregory XIII established in 1582 and was based on the Julian calendar, was first used. Britain and the American colonies didn’t start using it until 1752.

#4. World Snow Day, January 15th

World Snow Day was established by the International Ski Federation and is celebrated on the third Sunday of January every year (FIS). Its goal is to boost children’s participation in winter sports like skiing and snowboarding while bringing families together for a day of snowy enjoyment. To provide more people with the chance to experience snow, nations all over the world can hold winter sports and activities in their snowy regions. The idea behind World Snow Day was to create one huge international snow festival that people will observe on the same weekend all over the world.

Brief History of World Snow Day

Phase two of the International Ski Federation’s “Bring Children to the Snow” program, World Snow Day began in 2012. The project has been so successful that other sectors now collaborate to plan kid-friendly snow activities. The youngsters are our future, according to the late FIS President Gian Franco Kasper. Every season, we witness youngsters trying out snow activities for the first time.

#5. Museum Selfie Day, January 18th

The Museum Selfie Day fad was started by London blogger Mar Dixon and has since produced a profusion of inventive pictures on social media. Museums, by definition old, have always been sluggish to adapt to new norms. Their “no photography” signs were put up to prohibit the use of flash photography, which degrades the quality of conserved artwork. However, in today’s world of high-sensitivity smartphone cameras, many more museums are reducing their photography policies in order to encourage more public interaction. On January 18, Museum Selfie Day, visitors can express themselves creatively.

#6. Grandma’s Day, January 21st

People observe Grandma’s Day in Poland on January 21 each year. Poland extensively observes the holiday, as kids and grownups give homemade or homemade-inspired cards, flowers, and little gifts to their grandmothers. On this day, celebrations and low-key gatherings are permissible in kindergartens and schools. In Poland, grandparents play with their grandkids for a significant portion of the day. According to studies, grandparents in Poland spend more time with their grandkids than grandparents in any other country in Europe. On average, they work nine hours a week. In addition, grandparents will assist with childcare; rather than employing a nanny or other childcare provider, grandparents will take on the role of the family caregiver.

#7. National Pie Day, January 23rd

National Pie Day, which is sponsored by the American Pie Council (yes, it’s a real organization! ), allows us to indulge in one of our favorite desserts guilt-free. After all, today is a holiday here in the United States! Although there are variations of pie all across the world, the United States is home to the flaky dish. Our nation cherishes the pie, and the apple in particular, as a symbol of national pride, as seen by Don McLean’s iconic song “American Pie” and phrases like “as American as apple pie.” Prepare your oven or go to your neighborhood bakery to pick up a slice and enjoy the straightforward, mouthwatering delights of good pie.

#8. Belly Laugh Day, January 24th

This is also one of the January holidays. On January 24, it’s Belly Laugh Day, and we’re here to help you celebrate it in a way that will definitely make you feel queasy. Besides, Belly Laugh Day is a day to belly laugh and enjoys life’s pleasures. Imagine what paradise would be like right now if we smiled more often and had the unwavering confidence to touch each other, as Maya Angelou put it.

Brief History of Belly Laugh Day

The majority of philosophers and thinkers throughout history have been interested in the subject of laughter. Henri Louis Bergson’s essay “Laughter: An Essay on the Meaning of the Comic” was published in the 20th century. Moreover, Ramon Mora Ripoll held the view that laughter had medicinal and healing powers and could be utilized to treat certain conditions in patients. Belly Laugh Day was created in 2005 by yoga instructor Elaine Helle as a way to promote laughter. Elaine held the opinion that while we frequently overlook the value of laughter, we celebrate many things in life, such as love and gratitude. Belly Laugh Day was subsequently established on January 24.

#9. National Blueberry Pancake Day, January 28th

We commemorate National Blueberry Pancake Day on January 28 because, while pancakes are wonderful, pancakes topped with juicy, nutrient-dense blueberries are even better. Did you know that blueberries are one of the only natural fruits that people still consume in North America today and are extremely high in antioxidants? These tiny miracles are nutrient-rich and have been linked to enhanced insulin sensitivity, lower blood pressure, and a lower risk of cancer, among other health advantages. Blueberries may transform your breakfast from mediocre to amazing when coupled with pancakes. To serve with the pancakes, add some butter, homemade blueberry syrup, and freshly chopped berries as soon as the batter hits the pan.

#10. National Plan for Vacation Day, January 31st

Every year on the final Tuesday in January, we observe National Plan for Vacation Day to remind us to start making plans for our getaways and to take time off from work and school. Vacations allow people to spend time with their loved ones in a meaningful way while also benefiting their mental health. A healthy economy is also ensured by increased tourism, which is a side effect of vacations. Stop delaying your vacation and make plans to take a few weeks off since this day is crucial. To assist individuals in choosing places and outfitting them for vacation, several firms and media outlets take part in this day.

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FAQs About January Holidays

Is January 30 a holidays?

National Escape Day. National Inane Answering Message Day. School Day of Non-Violence and Peace (DENIP) Yodel for Your Neighbors Day.

Is January 31st a holiday?

Appreciate Your Social Security Check Day. Backward Day. Brandy Alexander Day.

Where is the best place for holiday in January?

  1. Galle, Sri Lanka
  2. Troms og Finnmark, Norway.
  3. Western Cape, South Africa.
  4. Arlberg, Austria.
  5. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietna.
  6. Niagara Falls, Canada/U
  7. Marrakesh, Morocco
  8. 8. Japanese Alps, Japan.