Online Booking System: Online Travel Booking Tools

Online travel booking tools

With an online booking system, individuals can now easily book business travel, hotels, etc.  Moreover, an online booking system provides the ability to book and make payments 24/7 and it also simplifies reporting. This article talks about online travel booking tools.

What Is an Online Booking System?

An online booking tool, also known as a reservation system, is a type of program that allows you to manage important dates online. For example, appointments, meetings, reservations, etc.

An online booking system employs smart technology to eliminate the risks associated with manual input and human error. It makes the booking process easier for you and your customers by automatically updating processes like payment scheduling, inventory management, and booking tracking.

It keeps customers on your website because they can see all of the available options and book the ones they need without switching between web pages or going to other websites. Its automation capability provides additional benefits to your business, such as report generation and more.

Advantages of Online Booking System

The advantages of the online booking system include the following

#1. Accessible 24/7

An online booking system allows you to receive bookings 24 hours a day, seven days a week. More and more bookings are made during the evening when your target customer is at home. Having a booking now button on your website is a way to let them book your activities on their own schedule.

#2. Reduces Your Workload

A good online booking system will handle all the aspects of the booking, but often much more than just that. It will ensure that bookings can only be received when you have availability – no need for cross-checking booking statuses on emails and spreadsheets.

#3. Allows You to Offer Adds on

When discussing the benefits and drawbacks of online booking, the ease with which your customer can add during the booking process is a big plus. That is a required feature of online booking systems, plain and simple.

You must be able to provide additional services to your customers. It is then up to them to decide whether or not they want additional features. You can easily increase your business’s revenue by providing additional benefits to your customers.

#4. Provides You with Important Analytics and Insights

An online booking system with automatic analytics helps you figure out what works and what doesn’t for your travel business. Determine your most requested time slots, the most popular tours, and which partnerships bring you the most profit. It also saves time and money on offerings that don’t bring you enough growth.

#5. Gives You a Clear Overview

All your customer data is in a structured system, in one place. You can check your reservations and availability from any device at any location. Likewise, there’s no need to use Excel sheets, and your reception staff can easily check the availability of your products. Orioly makes this overview even simpler by using different colors on your calendar.

Disadvantages of Online Booking System

Below are the disadvantages of an online booking system

#1. It Requires Internet Access

You’ll need continual Internet access, which could be difficult if you run tours and activities in remote areas. It may not be for you if you are not a fan of technology or do not have internet access.

#2. Technical Issues

Technical issues can occur with any software. That is why entire teams of developers test and fix bugs before the end user notices them. For example, a customer may pay twice for the same ticket as a result of a bug. Although this is a rare occurrence, you should be aware that it is possible.

#3. Rapid expansion can be difficult

Too many new customers can be a problem if you run a small business with insufficient staff or resources. That is an unintended consequence of expanding your audience from local to global. It can be frightening to expand your activities and grow too quickly.

The Benefits of an Online Booking System

The online booking system has the following benefits

  • Increased sales: At the risk of repeating myself, online booking systems provide the ability to book and make payments 24 hours a day, seven days a week. (Incidentally, Monday is the busiest day of the week for booking travel, while Saturday is the least.) Consider a multilingual booking and web system that allows customers to pay in their local currency, depending on your target markets.
  • Reduces telephone-based sales: Internet-based reservation management systems can lower your staffing costs by reducing the amount of manpower required to secure a booking.
  • Streamlined and standardized payments: When customers book their accommodations online, the funds are transferred directly into your account.
  •  Improved process management: Eliminates the need for manual data entry when managing bookings, monitoring inventory, creating reports, and processing payments.
  • Simplified reporting: Dashboards and reporting tools enable users to gain insights into profits and sales, as well as create custom reports that can be used to influence future strategies.

How Online Booking System Works

A booking system is a web-based management tool that allows you to manage your inventory, reservations, and bookings. Cloud-based software-as-a-service means all the information about your business can be viewed from one place rather than having to cross-reference multiple spreadsheets.

Because each business has its own set of policies, setting up a new online booking system and customizing content and procedures to your needs will take some time. However, once you’ve activated all areas of the system, including your booking form, payment settings, notifications, report-writing, and analytics preferences, automation takes over and everything else becomes simple.

Is it Cheaper to Book Flight Online or with a Travel Agent?

It’s more expensive to book flights with a travel agent than to book online from home. That’s because travel agents typically charge for their services, even booking a flight on your behalf. Still, an agent’s services could be worthwhile for some travelers hoping to avoid stressful vacation planning.

Basic Requirements for Online Booking Software

Below are the basic needs for online booking software

  • Cloud-based
  • Options for payment (credit card, bank transfer, PayPal, Deferred payment processing, cash)
  •  Inventory management system
  •  Booking in real time
  • An easy-to-use interface
  • Customer service
  • Email marketing software integrations

Complex Online Booking Software Requirements

  •  Automation of SMS and email
  • Language and currency preferences
  •  Email personalization
  • Third-party software integration (e.g. POS Systems, Rating Portals, etc.)
  •  Comprehensive sales reports
  • Management of vouchers and promotional codes
  •  Management of distribution channels
  •  Resource administration

Why Use a Travel Agent Instead of Online Booking?

Travel agencies take that responsibility from you, and in turn, save you a bunch of time. As long as you are booking with a reputable agent who is experienced in your destination, you can be sure that they are an expert.

Online Travel Booking Tools

Online booking tools are web-based applications that allow users to reserve flights, hotels, and car rentals. Moreover, a number of airlines, hotels, and car rental companies have their own websites. These are the direct suppliers that a company can contact for travel bookings.

Types of Online Travel Booking Tools

Below are the types of online travel booking tools

  • Online merchants buy various accommodations and services and resell them to customers. Expedia is an example of such an online retailer.
  • Online travel agencies’ users’ preferences are used to narrow down their inventory of available options. This is very similar to how a traditional agency operates.
  • Search aggregators are intelligent search engines that use user input to search 1000s of websites for offers and deals based on the criteria. They function more like recommendation services.
  • Corporate booking tools are specifically designed for use in business settings. They include features that assist businesses with the booking process. In addition, they assist travel managers in automating travel policies and expense reporting.
  • Online scheduling software designed to assist small businesses in scheduling on-site or virtual appointments and meetings, managing staff and services, accepting payments, sending reminders, and other tasks Trafft is one of the most adaptable and user-friendly tools for this.

Best Online Travel Booking Tools

Below is a list of the top online travel booking tools for you and your company.

#1. Safari Portal

Safari Portal is a super easy-to-use and efficient itinerary builder platform. The system also allows you to create visually stunning itineraries and proposals in minutes. Additionally, you can even use the system to collect, organize, manage, and share information like passports, health and dietary needs, flights, and contacts.

#2. Unit4 for Travel

Sabre CentralCommand with Agresso is a travel software that provides a fully integrated end-to-end business information system for travel agencies and travel management companies (TMCs). It combines Sabre’s travel expertise and focuses with Unit4’s powerful back-office financial management tools, also known as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).

#3. TravelPerk

TravelPerk offers the world’s largest travel inventory and powerful management features. It equally helps travelers and managers easily book travel for themselves and others within policy. TravelPerk also provides travel budget owners and finance teams with all of the features they need: spend tracking, expense reporting, and integrations.

#4. Salestrip

Salestrip is a good business travel software option for Salesforce sales teams and consultants. Likewise, it enables you to track and manage travel at the CRM level, allowing you to assign trips to specific customer accounts.

#5 Airbnb

Although it is not a complete trip management solution in and of itself, Airbnb for Work provides the features that businesses require to safely and easily allow their travelers to stay with Airbnb for business trips, such as streamlined payment and duty of care integrations. Remember that some travel management platforms (such as TravelPerk) allow you to book with Airbnb for Work.

Is Concur a Travel Management Company?

Through our connected suite of TMC solutions, SAP Concur can help you and your clients navigate the fast-paced, complex world of business travel.

How Does a Travel Agent Get Paid?

The travel agent makes the booking and is credited with the booking via their accreditation number. The commission is paid to the travel agent. For most trips, the vendor pays a commission to the travel agent after the client has traveled.

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FAQs on Online Booking System

What is travel booking system?

Simply put, They are automated reservation systems that help travel businesses store and retrieve information, and manage payments related to air travel. Computer Reservation Systems these days also help agents and travel businesses store and distribute tourism products or services-related information.

Why is online booking system important?

An online booking system helps to maximise sales as it is not limited to your working hours. Since the system works all the time, potential visitors can book a room anytime they want. Through the use of an online booking system, a hotel with minimal staff can also effectively manage several tasks simultaneously.

Why should a hotel use an online booking system?

With an online system in place, you will be able to manage your bookings better without any hassle. Your guests don’t have to spend money on calls or wait for the call to get connected. Even people living in different time zones will be able to make a booking online as per the room availability.