QUESTIONS TO ASK IN AN INTERVIEW: Best Questions to Ask Your Interviewer

Questions to Ask in an Interview

If in an official interview, you were asked by the hiring manager at the end of the interview, “Do you have any questions for me?” The worst mistake you will make is to say no. An interview is not just for the hiring manager to question you about your qualifications and qualities. As an employee, you should also have the most common good questions to ask in the interview. You ask questions about the company, departments, team, etc.

In this article, you will learn the most common good questions to ask in an interview as an employee.

What Is an Interview?

An interview is an official meeting between two people where the interviewer asks the interviewee questions to acquire information. Also, in an interview, the groups involved get to know each other as they are interfacing. The person asking the questions is the interviewer, and the person answering is the interviewee.


The Purposes of an Interview

In what way does the interview help an employer and an employee? Let’s see the purpose of an interview.

  • It helps to ascertain the accuracy of the information provided by the candidate.
  • It also gives the interviewer insight into the candidates’ creative and analytical skills.
  • An interview establishes a mutual relationship between the employee and the company.
  • It is also good for you as a candidate so that you come to know about your profession and the type of work that you will do, and you also get to know the company.
  • In an interview, both the interviewer and the interviewee gain experience professionally and personally.
  • You also assess your skills as a candidate and know where you lack and where you need improvement.
  • The interview also helps the company build documents and an image among the employment-seeking candidates.
  • On the part of the employee, an interview is an excellent opportunity to further explain your skills and experience.

Types of interviews

  • Informational interview:  The purpose of an informational interview is to seek advice and learn more about a particular employer, sector, or job. Interviewing employers in their field is another way to source knowledge. It is an excellent way of networking and adding to your contacts.
  • An individual interview: This is also known as a personal interview. It is the most common type of interview, and it is usually held face-to-face in the company’s offices.
  • A telephone interview: This is also known as a screening interview. This type is a more cost-effective way to screen candidates. Slots range from 10 to 30 minutes. Firstly, you prepare for it as if it were an open-book exam. Secondly, make sure you have your CV, the job description, the list of references, and prepared answers noted in front of you. As they can’t see your body language, it is critical to have positive and sharp answers delivered with enthusiasm. Finally, don’t forget to ask what the next step will be.
  • Structured interviews: This is a quantitative research method, and we use it in survey research. In this approach, each interview is presented with exactly the same questions in the same order. This type of interview is for collecting data for a statistical survey.
  • An unstructured interview: An unstructured interview is the opposite of a structured interview. Questions are not prearranged in this type, unlike structured interviews. This is a qualitative research method that prioritizes validity and the depth of the interviewee’s answers.
  • Behavioural interview: Employers use behavioral interviews to evaluate candidates’ past behavior in different situations and for them to predict their future behavior. Also, employers ask candidates open-ended questions about specific situations they have encountered in the past. Depending on the answers of candidates, employers probe to gain better and more detailed information.

Questions to Ask in an Interview as an Employee

As an employee preparing for an interview for your dream job, you will also need to prepare questions to ask the hiring manager or the employer. These questions demonstrate your passion for the company. When you ask unique questions, employers get a brief look at your work ethic and personality.

Before the interview, you can get information about the company from the website, social media presence, reports, etc. You can ask questions about the company’s future, its influence on the company, team structure, and specific details about the role’s function.

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Unique Questions to Ask in an Interview as an Employee

  1. Questions about the organization
  • What are the organization’s biggest challenges?
  • How are the people doing this job involved in these challenges?
  • You can also ask about the company’s long-range plans.
  • How does the organization support professional development?
  • What are the prospects for advancement in the organization?
  • As an employee in an interview, you also ask questions about the organization’s management style.
  1. Questions about the position
  • You also ask about the key responsibilities of the position.
  • How does this position fit into the company?
  • How would you describe the ideal candidate?
  • Can you describe a typical work day, or week, for this job?
  • Also, you ask about immediate projects or tasks you will be working on.
  • Is this a new position? If not, what kind of position has the previous employee moved on to?
  • What training programs are available to new employees?
  • Who would my immediate supervisor be? How would you describe their management style?
  • How soon after hiring would I expect a performance review? You can also ask what process they use.
  • What are the prospects for advancement in this position?
  1. Questions about the work environment
  • You can also ask what employees enjoy about working for the company.
  • What values does the company look for in the people it hires?
  • You can also ask how they measure success in the company.
  • How would you describe the culture of this company?
  1. Questions to ask about the interviewer
  • How long have you been with the company?
  • Has your role changed since you’ve been here?
  • What did you do before this?
  • Why did you come to this company?
  • What’s your favorite part about working here?
  • What’s one challenge you regularly face in your job?

Good Questions to Ask in an Interview

There are questions to ask in an interview, but not all of them are special. Special questions will make the employer see you as good and capable for the job.

These questions are:

  1. About the company’s long-term vision
  • What competitors are you most worried about?
  • What is the biggest challenge currently facing the company?
  • Based on the certain results you get, can you explain the company’s influence in the industry?
  1. About the company’s culture
  • Can you tell me more about how the CEO enforces the company’s values?
  • How do you ensure your workplace is diverse and inclusive?
  1. About the role’s influence
  • You can also ask about the qualities they need to succeed on this team and in the company.
  • How did the predecessor grow into this role?
  1. About Collaboration
  • What are some examples of projects the team has worked on?
  • Can I see them?
  1. About job-specific questions
  • What are some important milestones you’d like to see this person achieve in the first few months?
  • What have people gone on to do after this position?

Most Common Interview Questions

Below is a list of common job interview questions.

#1. Can you tell me about yourself and your background in brief?

This is among the most common interview questions asked by employers. Interviewers like to hear stories about candidates. Let your story have a great beginning, a riveting middle, and an end that makes the interviewer root for you to win the job. In the story, you also talk about your academic training and your passion for the industry, in which the company specializes.

#2. How did you hear about this position?

Employers also want to know where you got the information about the position from. It is now left for you to tell him where you heard about them. If someone recommended you for the position, be sure to mention their name. You don’t have to assume that the interviewer already knows about the referral.

#3. What type of work environment do you prefer?

This is also among the most common questions asked in an interview. Be sure to do your homework on the organization and its culture before the interview. Your preferred environment should closely align with the company’s workplace culture. For example, you may find on the company’s website that they have a flat organizational structure or that they prioritize collaboration and autonomy. Those are keywords you can mention in your answer to this question.

#4. How do you deal with pressure?

The employer wants to know if you hold down the fort or crumble under pressure. The ability to stay calm under pressure is a highly prized talent. You can also show an example of when you remained calm despite the turmoil.

#5. Do you prefer working independently or on a team?

Your answer should be informed by the inquiries you have made into the company culture and the job in question. However, you should expect that most work environments will have some team aspect.

Some positions require you to work on your own, while others require you to work collaboratively with other people. In answering this question, you highlight the best traits of your personality and how they fit the work requirements.

#6. What are your salary expectations?

Before you go for an interview, you should already know the salary for the particular position you’re applying for. You can also check out websites like Glassdoor, Fishbowl, or for salary information. You can also reach out to people in the same field to get the information.

Employers will always ask this question as every position is budgeted, and they also want to ensure your expectations are consistent with the budget before going forward. For candidates, it is better to discuss a salary range rather than a specific number during the interview and make negotiations possible.

#7. Are you applying for other jobs?

This is among the most common questions asked in an interview. Hiring managers will always want to know if you’re interested in the position you applied for or if it is one of your many options. They also want to know if you’re their top choice.


Applying for a job with good qualifications is one thing, and passing the interview is another. You should be well prepared as an employee to impress your interviewer. You should also know the types of questions employers do ask and how to answer them. Make sure you have your own questions to ask the employer at the end of the interview.

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FAQs On Questions to Ask in an Interview

What questions should I ask interviewer?

  1. Can you tell me more about the day to day responsibilities of the role?
  2. How could I impress you in the first three months?
  3. Where do you think the company is headed in the next five years?

Questions to avoid in an interview

Never ask of pay, time off, benefits, and promotion.

How do you end an interview?

  1. Thank your interviewers for their time
  2. Ask a question
  3. Practice your handshake
  4. Confirm your interest in the position