4 Ways Nigerians Can Work & Live in Australia

4 Ways Nigerians Can Work & Live in Australia

Moving to a new country is a big decision, and Australia offers a wealth of opportunities for Nigerian immigrants. With a strong economy, high standard of living, and diverse cultural landscape, Australia has become an attractive destination for Nigerians seeking new opportunities and a better quality of life.

One of the main reasons why Nigerians choose to move to Australia is the abundance of job opportunities. Australia has a strong economy and a well-developed job market, providing Nigerians with a range of career prospects across various industries. Additionally, Australia has a reputation for offering fair wages and good working conditions, making it an appealing destination for professionals.

However, understanding the visa requirements and your options can be challenging. In this post, we will share the types of visas, the documents required, the benefits of moving to Australia, and how to start your application.

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How to Move to Australia as a Nigerian

The Australian population has seen an increase of over 500,000 migrants as of June 2023. As reported by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the country is in dire need of skilled workers and has thus opened its gates to global residents through various visa options.

Following the latest immigration policy, the Australian government aims to welcome 250,000 new immigrants between 2024/2025, providing an enticing opportunity for Nigerians looking to “Japa.”

Visa Option for Nigerians

  • Skilled Occupation Visa: This option caters to those seeking employment opportunities in Australia, with Australian Skilled Migration being the designated portal for this method of migration.
  • Student Visa: Aspiring students can utilize this route to gain admission and study in Australian institutions for a maximum of five (5) years, with the added freedom to travel in and out of the country.
  • Family Visa: This visa is designed for families looking to relocate to Australia, requiring the sponsor to demonstrate financial stability to support the new family member/immigrant for at least two (2) years upon arrival.
  • Working Holiday Visa: Visitors can take advantage of this visa to work and potentially gain permanent residency in Australia. Its validity period is typically 12 months.

It is essential to understand the various Visa and Sub-Visa types offered by the Australian Government’s Immigration plans, each with its own specific criteria and conditions. Skilled migrants must provide proof of English Language Assessment and may also need to submit an Expression of Interest.

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Document Requirements for Australian Visa

These are essential documents needed to process a visa application into Australia:

  • Passport.
  • Australian Visa Form.
  • Paid Visa Fee.
  • One Identity Picture.
  • National Identity Card.
  • Police Certificate.
  • Family Certificates
  • Evidence of Financial Means.
  • Health Insurance.
  • Authorized Recipient Form.
  • Evidence of Temporary Stay
  • Detailed Itinerary.
  • Accommodation Reservations.
  • Employer Permission Letter.
  • Invitation Letter.

Note that these requirements and documents vary depending on the type of visa required by Nigerian immigrants. As of December 2023, Visa processing periods ranged from less than a day to around 11 months.

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Cost of Immigration

The cost would include the following fees:

  • Visa Application fees
  • Cost of moving
  • Settling down in Australia

Benefits of Relocating to Australia as a Nigerian

The following are the benefits you stand to gain and receive when you become an Australian citizen;

  • Exceptional Career Opportunities.
  • High standards of living
  • Flourishing Economy
  • Top-notch Education for Students
  • Paid paternity leave.
  • Various Government Benefits for Citizens.

As a Nigerian, are you ready to turn your dream of living in Australia into a tangible reality? With a wide range of visa options at your fingertips, take the first step towards an exhilarating journey filled with endless possibilities!