Have you ever wondered why some people perform better in positions of leadership than others? This is a secret that no one will sit down and start explaining to you, regardless of how hard you try to persuade them. Although you may be a leader in the little position you are in right now, you will want to know the secrets. Continue reading. In this article, you will not just learn the secrets; you will also know how to become a leader whose employees want to give their all. In addition, get a better understanding of the types or (styles) of leadership in management theories that will increase your effectiveness in your role. Additionally, interviewers could assess your leadership potential, so it might be useful to be aware of your chosen leadership style and management courses.

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What Is Leadership in Management?

The action of leading a group of individuals is known as leadership in management. In other words, leadership is the ability of a person to inspire and influence others and change their behavior. On the other hand, management refers to the method of controlling the actions of the employees who work for you. Management includes monitoring and handling activities and setting plans to meet the organization’s goals.

In this case, how do we explain leadership in management? To start with, no organization will appoint or employ a manager without leadership skills. In the same way, not everyone is born with the ability to be a leader, but you can learn it. On the other hand, management is generally a part of an organizational structure inside a business. Also, the ability to identify resources, think strategically, and oversee the activities of the organization’s members and staff toward the target goals is a vital aspect of leadership in management. Planning, organizing, and handling operations are all aspects of management. Among other ideas and writeups about leadership in management, four aspects stand out. let’s take a look at them.

Types (Styles)of Leadership in Management

Leadership style is a broad topic on its own. Most leaders change their tactics to fit the circumstances. It goes without saying that this is particularly true because the longer they have been in leadership; they change their leadership style in management because they’ve gained more experience in dealing with their staff.

What is a leadership style in management? In management, a manager’s leadership styles (also known as their leadership types) refer to the tactics, characteristics, and behaviors used to motivate, inspire, and manage their teams. Additionally, a manager’s leadership style affects how they develop their goals, react to changes while handling business expectations and the welfare of their team, and put ideas into practice.

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Types of Leadership in Management

You can see right away that there are usually significant credits in every manager’s type of leadership management if you start to ponder some of the people you believe to be great leaders.

#1.Participative Leadership

When a leader uses this participative type of leadership, it promotes accountability and teamwork in management. Rather than throwing duties at the feet of a particular person, it often results in a team’s collaborative effort to pinpoint issues and come up with fixes. Although, this can be especially difficult to maintain while working remotely or with virtual teams. 

#2. Delegative Leadership

A delegated leadership style’s primary goal is to empower team members to use initiative. One of the less interfering types of leadership in management is usually admitted to be this one. Delegative managers provide their staff members the flexibility to use their imagination, resources, and expertise to further their goals. Though, the team may crack or become divided because of conflicts among the members.

#3.Autocratic Leadership

Authoritative leadership places more emphasis on a “follow me” approach. Leaders who adopt this type consider themselves mentors to their followers. The authoritative leadership type relies heavily on getting to know each team member. As a result, it allows a leader to provide advice and feedback on a more personalized level, helping individuals to succeed. 

#4.Transactional Leadership 

Transactional leadership is one of the types of leadership in management that relies on rewards and punishments. Leaders make it clear how their teams will be rewarded (or punished) for their work. Such a “give and take” style is more concerned with efficiently following set routines and procedures than changing the business.

# 5. Transformative Leadership

The emphasis on change and transformation is what is referred to as “transformational leadership.” By utilizing each person’s potential, transformational leaders motivate their followers to go beyond what they previously believed was possible. Furthermore, when a company is trying to undergo a significant change or transition, it’s likely that this leadership is really potent.

Why Do You Need to Know Your Leadership Style in Management?

How do your direct reports see you? Do they feel you’re an effective leader? Knowing your leadership style before asking for feedback can be a great starting point. Every leadership approach has its weaknesses, which enables you to overcome those areas that need development. Of course, this is critical because some employees might hesitate to speak up, even in an anonymous survey.

Theories of Leadership in Management

Why do some people do better in leadership roles than others? Understanding leadership in management theories can help you be more effective in your position, especially if you often collaborate with or manage others. Also, during the job search process, interviewers may assess your leadership potential, so it can be helpful to understand your preferred leadership style and management theory. Leadership theories try to explain how and why some individuals attain leadership positions. Furthermore, leadership in management theories frequently concentrates on the qualities of strong leaders, while some make an effort to pinpoint the actions that individuals can take to enhance their leadership and management skills in various contexts.

What are the Top Attributes in the Theories of Leadership in Management?

Theories of leadership explain why and how some individuals become leaders. They focus on the traits and behaviors that people can adopt to increase their leadership abilities. Some of the top traits are vital to good leadership. They include

  • Competent learner
  • It inspires employee development.
  • It boosts connections and relationships.
  • Solid moral principles and values.
  • Excellent organizing abilities.

Factors to Consider

Leadership theory studies the traits of successful leaders. Scientists hunt for the traits or interpersonal behaviors that characterize competent leaders, while psychologists evaluate and develop leadership theories. They consider factors such as, among others,

  • Decision-making procedures in situations
  • Actions: Personality traits
  • Environment
  • How to input and interpret
  • How to keep a relationship going

In addition to different theories and ideas on leadership in management, including John Maxwell’s five levels of leadership paradigm, in his book, “Developing the Leader Within You,” Leadership among people, of course, includes the use of influence to attain goals. The fundamental attribute of a level 5 leader is an almost complete lack of ego(humility)coupled with a fierce resolve to do what is best for the organization.

The Five Levels of Leadership


Level 1-Position

A position is the lowest degree of leadership since it needs no skill or work to attain. At Level 1, people will only follow if they feel obliged to. The good news about this level is that it is an excellent opportunity for you to invest in your development and leadership potential.

Level 2-Permission

Level 2 is relationship-based. People choose to stay at this level because they want to. In other words, they submit to being led by the leader. Leaders must focus on interacting with and getting to know their followers and get to this level. You need to learn to like people if you want to lead effectively because you can’t lead without them. You start to build a positive impression on others when you like them and treat them as valuable beings. As trust increases, respect generally follows. And the atmosphere improves significantlyā€”whether at home, work, play, or voluntarily. Building strong, long-lasting connections at Level 2 lays the groundwork for the next levels.

Level 3-production

Leaders can act as change agents at the production level. The more you generate, the more equipped you are to deal with difficult situations. Because the team improves to a higher degree of performance when everyone is going ahead together, leading and impacting others becomes satisfying.

Level 4-People Development

At the people development level, you need to invest in leaders as a priority. The more you train new leaders, the more you will change the lives of your team. As a result, people will follow you because of what you’ve done for them.

Level 5-Pinnacle

The highest degree of leadership is also the most difficult to achieve. Both persistence and intentionality are necessary. Simply put, you cannot reach Level 5 unless you are ready to commit your whole life to improve the lives of others. But if you persist and always concentrate on generating leaders who are willing and able to create other leaders, you could eventually reach the pinnacle. Being a pinnacle leader requires a significant investment, but the rewards are worth it. Level 5 leaders create Level 5 organizations. They open doors that other leaders don’t. Through their work, they leave a legacy. Consequently, the team follows them because of who they are and what they stand for.

Leadership in Management Courses 

The Leadership in Management course helps new and aspiring leaders unleash their potential in themselves and others in management and cultivate high-performing teams. In addition, leadership in management courses guides people to become more versatile leaders who can mobilize others by immersing themselves in real-world leadership challenges and self-assessments.

A List of the Latest Leadership in Management Courses Books to Read 

  • The Leadership Coaching Course 
  • Team Leadership & Team Building 2022 Master Class
  • The Emotional Intelligent Leader
  • How to Use Leadership Styles Effectively
  • Management skills
  • The Science of Leadership

There Are Things You Should Expect to Learn From Leadership in Management Courses. They Are Listed Below;

  • To develop a personal leadership style, be aware of your sources of motivation, emotional intelligence, and communication preferences.
  • To address some issues, you should adjust or apply your leadership style.
  • Control the factors affecting your team’s performance.
  • To help coworkers improve and deliver, coach them and give them feedback.
  • Take control of challenging and stressful leadership circumstances.
  • As you negotiate the difficulties of evolving from an individual contributor to a leader, take control of your professional growth.

List of Leadership in Management Courses

  • Executive leadership
  • Be the Manager people won’t leave
  • Improving Your Leadership communication
  • How to be an Effective Remote Manager
  • Leading When You’re Not in Charge
  • Anticipating the Future as a Leader
  • How Managers Create a Culture of Belonging
  • 20 Habits of Executive Leadership
  • How to Become Strategic in Six Steps 
  • Becoming a Manager Your team loves
  • Being an Effective Team Member


A manager in leadership in management, without leadership qualities, won’t be hired or promoted by any organization. Even though some leadership skills may be learned, not all of them are natural. One of the most well-known ideas of leadership, the Great Man theory, contends that some people are destined to take positions of leadership from birth.Ā  On the contrary, contemporary society has seen a shift in attention away from leaders and their traits to the complex interactions and relationships among the leader, the followers, and the situation.

Related posts:

  1. TALENT MANAGEMENT: The Effective Core Procedures(Opens in a new browser tab)
  2. GENERAL MANAGER JOB: Duties & Responsibilities of a General Manager(Opens in a new browser tab)
  3. Portfolio Management: Definition, Types, and Salary(Opens in a new browser tab)

FAQs about leadership in management

List of Leadership in Management Courses

  • Executive leadership
  • Be the Manager people won’t leave
  • Improving Your Leadership communication
  • How to be an Effective Remote Manager
  • Leading When You’re Not in Charge
  • Anticipating the Future as a Leader

What are the Top Attributes in the Theories of Leadership in Management?

  • Competent learner
  • It inspires employee development.
  • It boosts connection and relationships.
  • Solid moral principles and values.
  • Excellent organizing abilities.

What Is Leadership in Management?

The action of leading a group of individuals is known as leadership in management. Put another way, leadership is the ability of a person to inspire and influence others and change their behavior.