Tourism and Hospitality Management: Definition, Benefits, Careers

Tourism and Hospitality Management

If you’re a good communicator and you wish to work in either clubs, restaurants, resorts, hotels, or as a flight attendant, then you should go for tourism and hospitality management. This is because a career in tourism and hospitality management can literally open up the world for you, especially if you want to combine work with travel. Each country has its own hidden gems, and we’re sure yours is no exception. Read on to know more about tourism and hospitality management

What Is Tourism and Hospitality Management?

The hospitality sector spans a number of professions that deal with offering services to clients, including housing, dining, and transportation. Providing services to those traveling for pleasure or business is tourism, a form of hospitality. Generally speaking, the growth of our contemporary society is significantly influenced by tourism and hospitality management. We can travel the globe and experience various cultures, meet new people, and diversify our human connections thanks to this ever-expanding sector. It also offers a variety of job options.

The main difference between hospitality and tourism is that while hospitality concentrates on offering visitors first-rate lodging, transport, and other facilities like restaurants or sports facilities, tourism deals with attractions, activities, and events.


Which Course is Best in Travel and Tourism?

Top four courses in tourism and hospitality management

  • Bachelor of Tourism Management / Diploma in Tourism Management
  • Bachelor of Arts / Event and Tourism Management
  •  Bachelor of Communication and Media
  • Diploma in Social Science, Extended Tourism Management

Hospitality and Tourism Management Careers

Choosing a Tourism and Hospitality Master’s degree will prepare you for your career and to work in an international environment and to be more in tune with the needs of guests from various social and cultural backgrounds while assisting them in having a good time.

You can choose from a variety of hospitality and tourism careers after finishing your studies, and we’ve listed the six most popular hospitality and tourism jobs below:

#1. Hotel Manager

  • Oversee all activities related to the hotel’s smooth operation.
  • Set budgets, assign tasks, and assess employee performance.
  • Examine the quality of the hotel’s products and services.

Finding a good hotel is one of the most important aspects of planning a vacation. So, if you intend to pursue a career in tourism management and end up managing a hotel, motel, or resort, it is your responsibility to ensure that your guests receive top-notch accommodations, or you will never see them again the following year.

However, this also applies to the assistance staff, as all employees must work together as a well-oiled machine – from the time guests arrive to their departure – to create an unforgettable experience.

#2. Flight Attendant

  • Welcome passengers, assist them with their luggage and also direct them to their seats.
  • Respond to inquiries, and resolve emergencies and conflicts
  • Distribute safety instructions and serve food and beverages.

One of the two largest tourism-related industries is airline travel. As a flight attendant, you must make passengers feel safe and comfortable during the flight while also dealing with any unexpected problems that may arise.

Additionally, more well-paying tourism management job opportunities can be found in the other major tourism industry: luxury cruise services. A flight attendant and a luxury cruise ship manager have some similarities, but the latter juggle the duties of running a hotel, dealing with passengers, and providing first-rate entertainment.

#3. Restaurant Manager

  • Hire, guide, and train new restaurant employees.
  • Plan schedules and meetings.
  • Order inventory, manage payroll, and also perform other administrative tasks

More than just putting food on the table is involved in the food services industry. Hospitality graduates who work in restaurants, bars, or cafeterias must strive to make meals into special occasions while also ensuring that the food looks good and is safe to eat.

Restaurants and bars must be adequately staffed and supplied, as well as adhere to safety and storage regulations while making a profit. If you want to work in the food industry, you must be able to remain calm under pressure, be well-organized, and have also excellent communication skills. Cooking classes are also required if you want to work in a kitchen.

#4. Entertainment Manager

  • Organize daytime activities, sporting events, quizzes, and other activities to keep your guests entertained.
  •  Invite well-known performers and bands to participate in shows.
  • Ensure that the activities and events are diverse enough so that any guest can enjoy them.
  • Investigate new technologies and trends to see if they can help with show organization.
  • To hire the best performers, interview and screen artists.

#5. Event Planner

  • Supervise all event preparations, such as food, beverage, special guest needs/requests, and entertainment.
  • Look for and reserve the best event venues, and have backup plans.
  • Organize transportation (if provided by the organizer) or provide guests with information on transportation and parking options.

Becoming an event planner is ideal for people who are excellent communicators and enjoy seeing others have a good time. Similarly, attention to detail, problem-solving abilities, and flexibility are just a few of the skills that will make your job much easier.

#6. Travel Consultant

  • Discuss with clients and learn about their wants and expectations.
  • Investigate various airline and hotel services to find the best option for your clients.
  • Keep up with the latest developments and inform clients about potential travel or lodging issues and alternatives.

One of the hospitality and tourism jobs that requires the ability to listen carefully to people and what they want is that of a travel consultant or holiday planner. Equally important, try to figure out what kinds of experiences they’d like to have and see if you can meet their needs. This method will assist you in developing a trusting relationship.


What Is the Highest Paying Job in Tourism?

High-Paying Tourism Jobs

  • Chef Concierge. Salary range: $36,500-$159,000 per year.
  • Hotel Controller. Salary range: $61,000-$100,000 per year.
  •  Guest Relations Manager. Salary range: $34,000-$79,000 per year.

The Benefit of Studying Tourism and Hospitality Management

Working in the tourism industry requires you to be flexible, innovative, and willing to stretch yourself. Additionally, a short work week allows you to make a full-time income thanks to the flexible schedule. Additionally, those who study or work in this sector tend to be laid-back and gregarious. It is not the conventional work that people picture, where they spend all day in an office.

The world is truly your oyster if you choose a career in tourism, especially if you wish to combine work and travel. Your country is no different from any other in having its own undiscovered treasures. While you’re still in your hometown, you can help to promote it and expand its ability to assist visitors.

Additionally, tourism is lauded for its capacity to market and commercialize local assets and items in a superior way. You can directly support the resuscitation and maintenance of regional traditions, customs, cultural life, the arts, culture, identity, and history by working in this industry.

What Are the Subjects in Tourism and Hospitality Management?

Topics such as financial management and accounting, human resource issues, hotel and resort management, food and beverage management, and event management.

What Is a Travel and Tourism Management Course?

This course is an intensive three-month program, structured into two basic parts, namely a paper on general knowledge and airfare and ticketing. These are broken into modules as reflected in the course outline.

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FAQs on Tourism and Hospitality Management

Does tourism have maths?

Mathematics in the study of Tourism emphasizes its importance in developing the capacity to resolve tasks. It also gives individual examples of its application in practice, showing that mathematical methods are essential for making business decisions.

How many points are needed for tourism management?

Candidates should have a minimum Admission Point Score (APS) of 27 to be considered for this certification. Three years at the least.

How can tourism help you in your future career?

Not surprisingly, securing a career in tourism allows you to travel the world, all while meeting new people and discovering new locations. As a tour guide, for example, you can organize tours so that guests can tour a popular tourist destination.