WHAT ARE LEISURE TRAVELERS: Definition, Types, & More

What Are Leisure Travelers

Leisure travel will always be a natural human propensity and a fundamental influence on how people spend their lives. Travel is an escape from the everyday routine. Whether you’re flying around the world to experience a whole different culture or simply visiting the town next to you. No matter how far you will travel, doing so will help you relax and open your eyes to fresh perspectives that will give your life and job new significance. Read on to find out more about leisure travelers.

What Are Leisure Travelers

Leisure travelers travel just for fun, relaxation, entertainment, sports activities, and enjoyment, not for work. Sincerely speaking, leisure travelers seek out the most outstanding offers for their accommodations. It doesn’t have to be necessarily cheap, but offering good value. Also, leisure travel is any journey where the main goal is to get away from daily life. Staying in luxury hotels or resorts, relaxing on beaches or in rooms. Taking guided tours, and taking in the local tourist attractions are typical characteristics of leisure travel. Additionally, the leisure travel industry focus on entertainment, relaxation, and tourism.

Difference Between Leisure Travelers and Business Travelers

The following are the differences between leisure travelers and business travelers:

#1. Difference in Price

Because low prices enable businesses to achieve the expected return on investment, they seek to keep travel expenses as low as possible. And they are using their hard-earned money to pay for a holiday, those who travel for leisure prefer to keep prices as low as possible. That’s because it’s challenging to assess their return on investment. As an illustration, a leisure traveler spends $300 on a trip and $1,000 for three nights at a hotel, in addition to spending money on food and entertainment.

Consider a business traveler who makes the following purchases at the same price: a flight for $300. And $300 for the airfare, $1,000 for three nights in a hotel, plus costs for food and travel. However, the business traveler arrives back at the office with a signed $300,000 contract for three years. The bottom line is that whereas ROI is very quantifiable for business travelers, it is far more challenging to determine for leisure travelers.

#2. The Value of Time and Location

Business Travelers frequently need to visit particular locations at particular times. Imagine, for instance, that in the second week of October, there is a sizable refer opportunity at a trade exhibition in Chicago. Flights to that precise place on those particular dates will be required for Your Travelers. Leisure travelers are far more adaptable. Consider a family that wishes to spend a week in a place with milder weather and a view of the mountains. Flying into the modest rural airport that serves Jackson Hole, Wyoming, is way too pricey. The family instead searches for flights to Salt Lake City so they can drive a short distance to Park City and flights to Denver so they can take a short trip to any destination.

#3. Assessments and Suggestions

Leisure travelers may browse reviews and suggestions about locations, accommodations, dining establishments, entertainment choices, etc. for hours on end. Most of the time, business travelers are more focused on efficiency, access, and ease of use than ratings and suggestions. Also, in the main location where business travelers are entertaining guests or potential customers, travelers may spend more time reading evaluations and recommendations. For instance, you should take a lot of time to investigate your restaurant selections if you’re taking a key client out to dinner.

#4. Weekends Versus Weekdays

On a Monday morning, if you go to the airport of a large American city, you’ll probably see a lot of business travelers, many of whom are consultants leaving for the week. On Thursday, those consultants will return at the end of the day, and on Friday, they will work from their home offices. Now, if you visit a big American airport on a Saturday morning, you will find families visiting relatives and young tourists going to the beach or to other cities to meet friends.

#5. Facilities 

Both business and pleasure travelers value amenities, but their choices are probably very different. Business travelers will be increasingly concerned about access to vital destinations. The availability of on-site dining options, dry cleaning and shoe shining services, a hotel gym and exercise facilities, as well as a business center where they can print documents and receive shipments, may also be of interest to them. Spa and similar treatment packages, swimming pools, in-room entertainment, close proximity to popular tourist attractions, as well as shuttle services and other forms of transportation, will be of greater interest to leisure travelers.

The Four Types of Travelers

Below are the four main types of travelers:

#1. Business Travel

Most travelers will be traveling to cities rather than vacation resorts. Rest before and after travel is important. Contaminated food and water are major causes of illness in business travelers. “Unsafe sex, particularly with commercial sex workers, may pose serious infection risks, including HIV.”It may be wise to always carry an anti-diarrheal medication to make sure that you are able to attend important business meetings or to help you make long journeys without having to make frequent and inconvenient use of the toilet.

#2. Adventure Travelers

This category comprises those who embark on self-planned journeys alone or in small groups, such as hikers, mountaineers, climbers, bikers, canoeists, scuba divers, etc. These types of journeys typically comprise using public transportation or walking along with simple, affordable lodging. Travelers who are subjected to higher health hazards, as a result, would likely benefit the most from bringing their own personalized medical kit with them. Furthermore, vaccinations should be arranged with a doctor or nurse as soon as possible, ideally at least six weeks before traveling. Travelers are likely to be exposed to infections and should be aware of measures to prevent illness from food and water, insects and animals, and close personal contact with locals.

#3. Travelers on Vacation

These people will journey to a vacation spot for an ordinary resort vacation. Many people visit European resorts in Mediterranean nations like Spain, Italy, or Greece in pursuit of the sun, or go on skiing vacations to France and Switzerland. Some of the more daring travelers will even venture to more exotic areas like Kenya in East Africa or Thailand in Southeast Asia. Others may travel a little further, to Florida in the United States or a Caribbean resort. Some people will travel all the way to Australia for their vacation. These tourists will typically have easy access to medical facilities should they be needed because they are visiting a vacation destination with a hotel that offers all the comforts of home.

#4. Long Term Travelers

This category consists of personnel from embassies, volunteers, missionaries, and others who plan to stay for a long time in a nation. Some people want to leave the country permanently, while others may just want to go see their relatives for a while. Also, some backpackers intend to emigrate permanently, while others may only intend to visit relatives for an extended period. Furthermore, it is very important for these travelers to get proper vaccinations and malaria treatment, as well as ensure that they check the food and water they drink.

What Is the Difference Between a Leisure Traveler and a Business Traveler?

A leisure traveler is one who leaves his home and travels to another place just to have fun and relax. Also, a business traveler is one who also travels for business meetings or conferences. Although business travelers are less price-sensitive due to this dynamic, leisure travelers are more price sensitive. 

Why Do Leisure Tourists Travel?

Leisure tourists travel a lot, but just for a few reasons, which are for relaxation, pleasure, and to enjoy. A leisure tourist sometimes travels not because there is any need but just for personal wants and entertainment.

What Are the Lifestyles of Travelers?

A lot of people today make traveling a lifestyle, while others travel because they feel like it. Although it is proven that most leisure travelers are people who love enjoyment too much.

What Are the Benefits of Leisure?

Below are the benefits of leisure:

  • It reduces stress
  • Brings satisfaction
  • Build health
  • Helps you relax well
  • Self-development and growth

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FAQs About What Are Leisure Travelers

What do leisure travelers want in a hotel?

They require a cozy bed, soft pillows, a tidy space, etc. Additionally, they place high importance on sports facilities. Having a nice sports facility in your hotel that contains a pool will improve their overall level of happiness greatly.

Why do they always ask about business or leisure?

Those booking your hotel or flight tickets want to be sure of what you are here to do. Also, most travelers for business already have their tickets paid for while leisure travelers are usually flexible with spending. 

What Does Leisure Mean?

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, “leisure means a time when one is not working. Leisure also means the free time that is spent away from business, work, job hunting, domestic chores, and education, as well as necessary activities such as eating and sleeping.