what to Pack when visiting vietnam

Vietnam is a vast and narrow country with a variety of weather, including mugginess, hot sun, and cold rains. The conservative dress code of the nation, which forbids the wearing of shorts, midriffs, and low-cut shirts, should be taken into account when you pack for visiting Vietnam. A pleasant trip depends on being well-prepared because the weather in the country might be unexpected. In a place where it’s challenging to locate clothing larger than size 12, being well-prepared will ensure you have everything you need.

Read through this article to find out the essentials to pack when visiting Vietnam.

#1. A Backpack

What to pack when visiting vietnam
Credit: Coach Outlet

A thick-strapped backpack is required to transport all of your possessions, including a change of clothes, a water bottle, sunscreen, and daytime snacks, given the amount of walking and traveling you will be doing. Additionally, any purchases you make along the road can be carefully kept in your pack rather than in bulky plastic bags that would otherwise get in the way.

#2. A Travel Pillow

what to pack when visiting vietnam
Credit: RoadPro

Be prepared to spend many hours on the road if you intend to travel the country on several occasions. Air conditioning is now available in Vietnamese transportation, but a travel cushion will help you get some much-needed rest while you’re on the move.


#3. Ear Plugs

To enjoy a full night of pleasant sleep, light sleepers should pack a set of earplugs. They are a very affordable and practical technique to fend off crying babies on long bus rides across the country as well as annoying snorers in shared hostel rooms.

#4. A Quick-dry Towel

what to pack when visiting vietnam
Credit: Bunnings

A very lightweight, non-bulky choice can be a good idea since not all hostels or hotels will supply towels for free. Whether you need to dry yourself after getting soaked in severe rain during the monsoon season or cover yourself after a swim, a quick dry towel is a necessity that can significantly improve your vacation experience.

#5. Diarrhea Treatment

There is no getting around the fact that, at some point during your travels, you are probably going to get sick from drinking unbottled water or even eating something unfamiliar. Even though the majority of symptoms will go away quickly, visiting Vietnam, it could be beneficial to pack some travel medications to hasten your recovery when you’re in remote locations without access to a pharmacy.

#6. Below-the-Knee-Skirts or Trousers

You must dress modestly below the knee if you want to enter temples and pagodas. Even though it’s hot, local men and women dress modestly, and you should be expected to follow suit by covering your shoulders and legs, especially when you visit government offices and sacred sites. Avoid wearing clothing made entirely of cotton because you’ll likely feel hot and uncomfortable; a blend of rayon and polyester provides the ideal level of comfort.

Read Also: FOLDABLE WATER BOTTLE: Best 8 Foldable Water Bottles.

#7. Durable Shoes

Credit: Quora

A sturdy pair of closed-toe shoes will keep your feet blister-free and protected from the weather if you want to do a lot of walking or hiking while on your trip. Instead, choose a comfy flat sandal because sneakers might not be the best choice for your feet in the summer.

#8. Flip-Flops

Bring some flip-flops along with your practical shoes, or even better, buy some when you are there. In addition to being simple to remove while entering temples, some bars, and restaurants, these will also let your feet breathe in the humid and hot weather. Precious shoes that might ‘walk away’ when you’re not looking should be avoided.

#9. Travel Adapter

Credit: PC Corner

Two plug types fit in Thai sockets. Although your plug will function in Thailand, it is advised that you bring a worldwide adaptor in case you need to travel via other nations.

#10. Portable Phone Charger

On that lengthy bus or train journey, pre-charged battery packs and portable phone chargers will save your life. This is also crucial if you want to use your GPS frequently, as this can cause the battery to discharge more quickly. After all, being trapped in an unfamiliar location is the worst possible situation.

#11. Sun Protection and a Hat

Credit: Talkalot.com

Choose a lotion or spray with a high SPF to protect yourself from the strong sun’s rays. To prevent deadly sunstroke, you must also wear a hat with a wide brim.

#12. A light-Weight, Waterproof Jacket

It is advisable to wear a lightweight jacket during the monsoon season to protect you from sudden downpours. Alternatively, follow the locals’ lead and choose a plastic poncho, which is especially helpful if you intend to bike or ride a motorcycle.

#13. Bug-Repellent

Dengue fever, a virus that recognizes no boundaries and frequently breaks out in urban areas, can be a serious problem even though malaria is uncommon and rarely detected in the majority of places in Vietnam. It is advisable to have an insect repellent bottle just in case because of this. Try to keep in mind to reapply the insect repellent just before sundown each morning before you go for the day.

Read Also: MEN’S TRAVEL JACKET: Best Travel Jacket for Men 2023

#14. Tiger Balm or Cortisone Cream

Tiger balm or cortisone cream can prevent mosquito bites from becoming infected if you do have a chance to get bitten. To relieve pain, swelling, and other discomfort, rub it over the affected area.

#15. A Quality Water Bottle with Filter

The only drinking water options in this area are bottled water or water that has been manually filtered. Even locals fear drinking tap water and instead boil it at home. To make sure the water is clean enough to drink, you’ll need to buy bottles or bring your purification system. This Grayl water bottle is excellent, removing the health risk of harmful parasites, bacteria, viruses, microplastics, and more. I strongly advise bringing it with you when visiting Vietnam. By cutting down on the amount of chlorine and harsh chemicals in your water, it also enhances the taste.

#16. Fleece Jacket

On the other hand, due to the effects of the monsoon, Vietnam’s winters can be severe. Depending on where in the country you are—northern or southern—or as you ascend snow-covered mountains, temperatures can change. However, bring a heavy jacket if you’re traveling in the fall or winter to account for the frost and wind chill. You’ll need at least one trustworthy option for chilly nights even in the summer, and Columbia is our go-to brand for good value.

#17. Hanging Toiletries Bag

In Vietnam, counter space can be scarce, and the majority of low-cost accommodations offer squat toilets. With a hanging toiletry bag, you can make up for the unglamorous nature of the restrooms! Use this small container to transform any door, branch, or hook into a useful shelf-like storage system. Keep your merchandise contained within it.

#18. Rash Guard

Due to Vietnam’s proximity to the equator, the sun can be more intense, and in recent years, the UV index has even alarmed people. Dermatologists view even a little tan as “sun damage,” so shield your skin with a long-sleeved rash guard to avoid this. This top provides a UPF of 50+ to guard against unpleasant burns during long days spent on dragon boats or having fun in the Ban Gioc Waterfalls.

#19. Water Shoes

You’ll be traveling through historic cities, lush lagoons, beaches, floating marketplaces, and rice terraces. Because of this, you’ll need to pack a pair of shoes that can withstand your excitement when visiting Vietnam. This pair dries quickly and is quite light. You’ll like being able to transition between various terrains with ease, and the mesh top generates ventilation, which lowers the possibility of blisters or sweaty feet.

#20. Travel Insurance for Vietnam

Sadly for us travelers, even carefully thought-out travel plans occasionally go awry. If this occurs, you’ll need to make sure you’re fully protected and insured for a range of issues (hospital visits, last-minute journeys home, theft, lost luggage, etc.). When insurance policies are extremely reasonably priced and would provide you with peace of mind, it is essential not to take any chances.

Because Faye makes it simple to establish a personalized insurance plan that is suited to your particular travel, we advise using them. There are no two identical plans, and you can add optional clauses like “pet care” and “cancel for any reason.”

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