BRAND STRATEGY: Definition, Elements, Examples, & More

example of a brand strategy

You must create a brand strategy for your company, just like civil engineers perform strategic planning, such as drafting and measuring out the plan of a building before they start the construction fully. A brand strategy serves as a roadmap for communicating your identity and aids in understanding who you are. You will discover what a brand strategy is in this post along with several examples.

What Is a Brand Strategy?

A brand strategy is a long-term strategy for achieving a set of long-term goals that, ideally, result in customers choosing and recognizing your brand. A brand’s goals, as well as its promises to customers and how they are communicated, are all part of an efficient branding strategy. A logo, color scheme, and website are all important creative components of a successful brand strategy, yet they are frequently misunderstood. A brand strategy is also based on all of the intangible factors that influence brand equity, sentiment, and recognition over time.

Moreover, all facets of a business are impacted by a well-defined and implemented brand strategy, which is closely linked to customer demands, emotions, and competitive conditions. All of those things and more make up your brand; it is the intangible element. Your brand is that difficult quality that sets memorable brands apart from weak ones.

The Importance of Strategic Branding

With strategic branding, you can differentiate yourself from competitors and future-proof your business. Additionally, you increase your brand value, client loyalty, and selling power by conveying your individuality to them. Identifying your brand’s unique selling proposition is one of the most important steps you can take to expand in a crowded market.

Elements of a Brand Strategy

Below is the list of elements of a brand strategy:

#1. Purpose

Knowing the reason you get out of bed and go to work each day carries additional weight. One thing that sets you apart from your rivals is your mission. There are two equally valid perspectives on purpose: utilitarian and intentional. This idea emphasizes success in the sense of having the capacity to both do good and make money.

#2. Consistency

Consistency is the second component of a brand strategy. You must make sure your messaging is consistent if you want to provide your brand with a solid foundation. Consistency also means avoiding topics that don’t support or further your brand. Additionally, consistency helps build brand recognition, which fosters client loyalty.

#3. Emotion

People are compelled to develop relationships. This need is best expressed by the “belongingness hypothesis,” which is based on work by psychologists Roy Baumeister and Mark Leary: “People have a fundamental psychological need to feel close to others, and caring, affectionate bonds from close relationships are a significant component of human behavior,” according to research.

The need for love, affection, and group affiliation also falls right in the middle of Maslow’s hierarchy of requirements, an attempt to categorize different human desires.

#4. Flexibility

Marketers need to be adaptable in this rapidly changing world to stay relevant. This also gives you the freedom to design campaigns in a creative manner. While consistency attempts to establish the benchmark for your brand, flexibility gives you the ability to make changes that increase interest and distinguish your strategy.

#5. Employee Involvement

A style guide can help you achieve a cohesive digital experience. It’s equally important for your employees to be well-versed in communicating with customers. For instance, if your brand is playful and bubbly through Twitter engagements, it won’t make sense if a call is connected with a grumpy, monotone rep.

#6. Loyalty

If you already have customers that love you, your company, and your brand, reward them for their loyalty. You can also ask them to write a review and feature them prominently on your website. Sometimes, just saying thank you is all that’s needed; other times, it’s better to go above and beyond.

#7. Competitive Awareness

Consider the opposition a challenge to enhance your own tactics and boost the worth of your brand as a whole. You should take note of what they do because you’re pursuing the same clients and working in the same industry. Are some of their strategies effective? Do some fail? To help your business, adjust your brand positioning in light of their feedback.

Method of Branding

Branding methods are listed and explained below:

  • Attitude branding: This kind of branding strategy relates to the attitude or mood that customers associate with your business.
  • Individual branding: This kind of branding occurs when a product or service, sometimes under a new brand name, develops a distinctive identity in an effort to attract more consumers.
  • Product branding: Product branding is most likely the most well-known type of branding. Here, the brand associates a logo, name, color, and design with the product to give it a distinctive identity. It’s also one of the best branding techniques because it gives products fresh life and enhances their distinctiveness.
  • Co-branding: A brand relationship is a common term used to describe this. It is how different brands contribute their identities to a merged brand. This strategy has the benefit of fusing a robust market with a growing clientele and perceived value.
  • Brand extension: aims to increase sales of the newest product by leveraging the value of the current brand. Using a well-known or reputable name on a new product is another component of this inventive branding strategy. Because of the brand extension, businesses that employ it anticipate that customers will be more open to the new offering.
  • Minimalist branding: You can identify a product using this form of branding strategy simply by looking at the emblem or logo.

How to Build Your Brand Strategy

Below is a list of ways you can build your brand strategy.

#1. Find Your Brand’s Heart

Firstly, every brand holds a basic set of beliefs that influence everything they do. Knowing what these rules are and why they matter is imperative for success. When your brand’s beliefs and your business align, you can successfully create the future you want. Your brand heart consists of four elements: purpose; mission; vision; and value.

#2. Articulate Your Messaging

What is your brand’s heart? This is how you express who you are and what your brand represents to the world. Secondly, you need to figure out your brand essence and your brand messaging. When you distill and document these elements effectively, you can ensure your brand will communicate honestly and authentically.

#3. Design Your Visual Identity

First and foremost, a successful visual identity should serve a purpose. It’s time to view it now that your heart and message have become clear. Logos, colors, typefaces, and other components that serve as the brand’s “face” are the fundamentals of branding.

#4. Create Your Brand Guidelines

Your brand guidelines offer direction on how to portray your business, especially in the content and communications you create. Maintaining consistency and quality while working with independent contractors or other organizations can be challenging. These guidelines should provide each author with sufficient direction to enable them to create content that strengthens rather than weakens the brand.

Example of Brand Strategy

Below are some examples of brand strategies

#1. Be Unconventional

For example, Notel is a small business that creates a striking brand strategy. This Melbourne-based business makes sure to create the perfect tourist experience for its clients through a well-thought-out brand strategy. Their archetype is an explorer; they are fueled by adventure and want to break free from the status quo.

#2. Simplicity and Fortitude

Another example of brand strategy is Simfort. It is a hair care company that strives to renew and promote hair growth while also aiding its client’s confidence and self-esteem. Hair loss and thinning are common areas of discomfort and vulnerability in men. Simforts’ founders believe that every man has the potential to have strength and firmness of both body and mind.

#3. Find Your Greatness

Nike is a great example of brand strategy. Nike is an example of a hero archetype. Their main motivation is to make the world a better place by being the best version of themselves. Also, Nike’s “find your greatness” campaign was received incredibly well and aligned perfectly with its archetype.

#4. Think Different

In this example of brand strategy, Apple can be considered to be part of the creator archetype. Just like magicians, they make dreams come true; hence, they use innovation to bring them to reality. Apple’s “Think Different” campaign is a great example of a business developing its brand image from the inside.


Strategic branding is all about showcasing what makes your company distinctive. By developing your brand strategically, you can equally future-proof it and set yourself apart from competitors. Customers will be more loyal to you if you make an effort to express your uniqueness to them in a unique way.

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FAQs on Brand

What is brand strategy with example?

Their “Think Different” campaign is a superb illustration of their branding techniques. They discovered that their target audience wanted to be outstanding, creative, game-changing, and unique.

What makes a brand successful?

Possess an individuality that is suitable for your target audience. Be consistent with your messaging and visual style, emphasizing your position, promise, and passion at all levels.

What is brand plan?

The Brand Plan integrates activities like advertising, sales, and product development and explains what each group must do to thrive while creating goals that both finance and operations can support.