MECHANICAL DESIGN: Jobs & Salaries of Mechanical Design Engineers

freelance mechanical design engineers jobs and salary

The parts of a car, such as the clutch, gear, shaft, carburetor, etc., are not just picked and fixed to a car. Mechanical design engineers are the designers and producers of these parts. Mechanical engineers are creators and innovators. They also design and shape machine parts that improve the efficiency of existing ones. Join us as we discuss in detail the jobs of mechanical design engineers and what they earn as a salary as freelance.

What Is Mechanical Design?

Mechanical design is to create, build, or construct parts, components, products, or systems of new machines. For instance, the designs of various machines, such as gears, shafts, clutches, and fasteners, fall under the scope of mechanical design. The achievement of cars, space stations, and other machines was possible because of the innovative design of mechanical engineers. 

There are several bases for mechanical design processes. Some of the primary design bases include safety; function; reliability; weight, size, production, wear; upkeep; and liability. (Mott, 2014) states that mechanical design problems should be formulated with clear and complete statements of functions, specifications, and evaluation criteria.

We identify functions by what a product can do. Specifications are needs described by many statements, and evaluation is testing to determine if the product meets design criteria.

The Importance of mechanical design

The importance includes the following:

  • The development of mechanical 3D models, which make use of cutting-edge CAD, does provide the objectives of product design with regard to clearance of some life and high levels of transparency.
  • The team usually gains some insight into how the items should look from the drawings created during the design process.
  • It introduces practical technologies to our contemporary world.
  • It brings the greatest product shapes and offers drawings to help with production.

Types of Mechanical Design

Mechanical design is of 3 classes, and they include:

#1. Adaptive design

In this type of manual design, an existing engineering solution is adapted to satisfy a different need or is used for novel applications. Most companies use adaptive design to improve their products’ quality and adjust to changing customer trends. For example, adapting the cassette player and making it compatible with an SD card or Bluetooth player for its use without the cassette. This type of design is common in engineering design.

#2. Original design

We also call this type an innovative design or new design. This manual design is involved creating new machines or systems with the goal of meeting a specific need. This design also requires a unique solution based on creation. It usually includes the introduction of new technologies.

#3. Development Design

It is an engineering design that improves an existing design. Development design can also be reached by changing a product’s properties while keeping its work and cost. Some common products, such as motorcycles and automatic transmissions, undergo development designs.

Jobs of Mechanical Design Engineers

Mechanical design engineers carry out practical research; they also use software to plan and design systems, develop original products, and carry out tests on a variety of manual machines. They also apply physics and engineering rules to the design of manual systems and devices.

Duties and Jobs of Mechanical Design Engineers

  • Conducting research to support the manual system’s design and engineering processes.
    In order to build a manual device, a plan must be created during design or redesign.
  • Deciding on manual applications and demands during meetings with clients and design teams.
  • Examining test data and making necessary design modifications.
  • To virtually test and improve the designs, run computer simulations and experiments.
  • Planning and carrying out manual design with the aid of CAD, CAM, and 3D CAD software.
  • Engineers that specialize in mechanical design must also keep track of their work’s repetition and test analytics.
    other engineers, designers, and project managers in collaboration.
  • Examining competing items to generate development-related ideas.
    Keeping abreast of the most recent technological developments, such as design trends and engineering best practices.

Other duties include

  • Observation of the creation and testing of physical patterns.
  • Establishing comprehensive operating procedures, as well as project budgets and schedules.
  • Plans are developed to enhance current models as well as plans for the next generation of engine models.
  • Mechanical design engineers’ jobs also include recording and assessing testing data and changing designs as necessary to bring them to safety, performance, and ability standards.
  • Calculation of cost estimates for final product designs and release reports to supervisors, incorporating costs of labor, material, delivery, and above.

Freelance Mechanical Design Engineers

Freelance mechanical design engineers perform duties on a contract basis for clients. Your job as a freelance mechanical design engineer includes working with a project manager to understand the extent of the design project and constructing a working sample for tools and hardware.

As a freelance engineer, you also seek and complete paid engineering projects as an independent contractor rather than an employee.

Kinds of Work For Freelance Mechanical Design Engineers

If you’re a freelance engineer, you should look for work that relates to what you do, because if you pick a position that you do not understand, it will be turned down later, it will give your employer a false impression, and you will lose credibility in the market.

Freelance engineering work includes:

#1. Freelance software engineer

Freelance mechanical design engineers operate on websites, IT, and software. In this computer era, most business people and organizations are looking for those who can develop websites and applications for their businesses. However, as the task is not easy as lots of work is put into it, employers look for those who are experts and those with experience in the field.

#2. Freelance network engineer

A network engineer serves as the central component of an organization as it develops a reliable system that will support all of its operations. You will set up proxies, configure devices, and perform other IT-related duties. Online freelance positions for network engineers are also accessible.

#3. Freelance computer engineer

Computer engineering is a broad field, and there are many jobs related to it. Moreover, these jobs vary from each other in requirements and underlying needs.

#4. Freelance hardware engineer

Freelance hardware engineers deal with the hardware parts of a computer or other electronic devices. It also includes writing jobs whose main crux is dealing with different types of hardware.

#5. Freelance site engineer

There are a few openings for this job. As a site engineer, you are required on-site to accomplish various types of telecommunications work.

How to Become a Freelance Mechanical Design Engineer

In order to operate as a freelance mechanical design engineer, you must possess a number of qualifications, including a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering or a closely related field and practical experience in electrical engineering, physics, chemistry, and mathematics. The position requires a combination of artistic and technical abilities, including proficiency with AutoCAD and other rendering software. A freelancer can work with multiple clients at once, which is equally crucial as having these qualifications. You need to be a self-starter and have the ability to multitask well for this. Along with that, you ought to be an excellent communicator.

Salary of Mechanical Design Engineers

The field of mechanical design engineering is rewarding and pays well. Salary ranges can differ significantly based on a variety of significant characteristics, including education, credentials, abilities, job experience, and country.

As of August 2022, the average yearly salary of mechanical design engineers in the US is $52,492, however, the range frequently is between $44,763 and $64189. Mechanical designers make an average monthly pay of AED 8,038 in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

While a mechanical designer in India has an average yearly salary of 4.7 LPA, mechanical design engineers in Germany make an average annual compensation of €50,050.


The beauty of technological equipment is a result of mechanical design. They also help companies develop systems and also solve issues by testing prototypes to ensure quality machines. The future beauty of technological inventions is in the hands of mechanical designers.

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FAQs about mechanical design

How long does it take to become a mechanical design engineer?

The minimum education level for a mechanical engineer often is a bachelors’ degree which can take about four years to complete. Some students can take up to five years depending on the programs available.

Is a mechanical designer an engineer?

A mechanical designer , or drafter, is a design specialist who uses engineer specifications to create technical illustrations for machines. They also use computer aided design.

How can I become a better mechanical designer?

You should have the following knowledge and skills: complete product knowledge, CAD design, sheet metal design, material selection, tolerance analysis, problem solving skills.