Domestic tourism is a valuable sector in many countries, bringing in large sums of money for local and national economies. But, does it matter as much as other types of tourism in a country? In this article, we will talk about why it is so important for a country like the United States. 



Domestic tourism, as opposed to international tourism, refers to people touring within their local country. Since the United States is so large, there are several chances for domestic travel. Furthermore, foreign travel necessitates the use of a visa. While the number of individuals in the United States having passports has increased year after year over the last decade, there are still those who do not, making domestic travel their sole choice. as a result,  Domestic tourism in the United States is becoming a substantial contributor to the economy, with domestic travel expenditure in the United States reaching 972 billion dollars in 2019.

What Is Tourism

Tourism is a social, cultural, and economic activity that involves individuals traveling to nations or locations beyond their typical area for reasons of leisure or business. These individuals are known as visitors (they might be tourists or excursionists; citizens or non-citizens), and tourism involves their activities, some of which entail tourism spending.

What Exactly Is Domestic Tourism?

Domestic tourism involves inhabitants of one nation traveling exclusively within the same country. This type of trip is known as a domestic vacation. Domestic tourism is very important, especially in major nations with low foreign language abilities, such as Russia, Brazil, Canada, Australia, the United States, China, and India.

This is also known as a “staycation” in British English, a combination of “stay” and “holiday,” but it should not be confused with the idea of a vacation in which one remains overnight at their own house. The phrase “staycation” was popularized in the late 2000s by the British media in their coverage of an increase in such tourism during the Global Recession, when the weakening of the pound made going overseas more costly.

Domestic Tourism in the United States 

Domestic, or local, tourism refers to people traveling in their own country instead of traveling to foreign locations. So because the United States is so large, there are several chances for domestic travel. Furthermore, foreign travel necessitates the use of a passport.

Domestic tourists spent $933 billion in the United States in 2018, accounting for 86% of overall tourism expenses. Moreover, domestic tourism provided 7.7 million jobs in 2018.

It is not a surprise to me why the domestic tourism business in the United States is so valuable. Not only is it a massive country with amazing tourist variety, ranging from the snows of Alaska to the heat of Miami, but it is also true that the vast majority of Americans do not have a passport!

Impact Of The Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic

The start of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in 2020 had a significant impact on the tourist sector since regular travel was not allowed and many places fell into shutdown. Travel bans enacted to prevent the virus from spreading across international borders had a significant impact on international tourism. Because Americans were sometimes unable to go abroad, others chose to relax in their own backyard, which is known as a “staycation.” By August 2020, over 30% of U.S. residents had taken a staycation during COVID-19. While some cities were more suitable for staycations than others, rural locations frequently provided less expensive vacation options. Omaha, Houston, as well as Oklahoma City, were the most affordable places in the United States for just a staycation.

Some of the most popular domestic tourist locations in the United States are

  • Hawaiian Cruise, Hawaii
  • Alaskan Cruise, Alaska
  • Orlando, Florida
  • Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Maui, Hawaii
  • New York City, New York
  • Honolulu, Hawaii
  • Miami Beach, Florida
  • Washington, DC
  • Los Angeles, California 

Domestic travel comprises not just vacationers but also business travelers. However, business travel accounted for a smaller proportion of total domestic trips in the United States than leisure travel, and the combined number of business and pleasure trips is expected to exceed two billion by 2024. 

Furthermore, the market size of the US campground and RV park industry in 2021 was expected to reach almost $8 billion.  Meanwhile, public holiday tourism is yet another prominent form of domestic travel in the United States. For example, around Christmas, the United States sees an increase in domestic travel as individuals visit their families. The number of Christmas holiday tourists in the United States crossed 55 million in 2020, although this number declined from the previous year owing to the coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic, which limited travel opportunities nationally.

What US City Receives the Most Tourists?

City of New York, New York

Each year, more than 50 million tourists visit New York City, making it the most popular tourist destination in the United States. New York City is well known for its varied culture and world-class attractions.

What Are the Three Types of Domestic Tourism?

Domestic tourism can span spatially from local vacations to provincial journeys to national-level tourism. Tourism is classified into three types depending on the goal of the trip or the motivations of the tourists: 

Tourism is classified into three types depending on the goal of the trip or the motivations of the tourists: 

  • Common interest tourism, 
  • Vacation tourism,
  • Business tourism.

What Are the 5 Main Objectives of Promoting Domestic Tourism?

The five primary objectives of promoting domestic tourism are

  1. Responsible tourism
  2. Service Excellence
  3. Respect for culture and heritage
  4. Sector transformation
  5. Transparency 

What Is an Example of Domestic Tourism?

Domestic tourism, at its most extreme, includes people of a country vacationing within that same country. Road vacations, weekend escapes, and staycations are all excellent examples.


We’ve all been domestic tourists at some point in our lives, whether we were aware of it or not! As this article has shown, the domestic tourist business is a significant economic contributor in many places, particularly the United States.

Related Posts:

  1. Tourism and Travel Management Course: The Ultimate Guide(Opens in a new browser tab)
  2. Tourism and Hospitality Management: Definition, Benefits, Careers(Opens in a new browser tab)
  3. CAREER IN TOURISM AND TRAVEL MANAGEMENT:: The Ultimate Guide.(Opens in a new browser tab)
  4. Travel Risk Management Companies: A Complete Guide(Opens in a new browser tab)
  5. Tourism and Travel Management: A Complete Guide(Opens in a new browser tab)


What Are the Three Types of Domestic Tourism?

  1. Common interest tourism, 
  2. Vacation tourism,
  3. Business tourism.

What Exactly Is Domestic Tourism?

Domestic tourism involves inhabitants of one nation traveling exclusively within the same country.

Most Popular Domestic Tourism Destinations

  1. Hawaiian Cruise, Hawaii
  2. Alaskan Cruise, Alaska
  3. Orlando, Florida
  4. Las Vegas, Nevada
  5. Maui, Hawaii
  6. New York City, New York
  7. Honolulu, Hawaii
  8. Miami Beach, Florida
  9. Washington, DC
  10. Los Angeles, California