EARLY MORNING FLIGHTS: Best and Cheapest Time to Book a Flight


Early morning flights are a perfect example of why the proverb “the early bird gets the worm” remains true. Although waking up early to make it to the airport and through security in time may not always seem like the best plan, it usually works out to be the best choice. My tips on how to prepare for an early morning flight should help when the only option is to get your weary self out of bed and catch that flight! 

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Tips On How To Book Early Morning Flights

To take advantage of a number of the finest price gaps and travel offers. How do you survive if early mornings aren’t your thing? Here’s how you can enjoy the “pleasures” of entering the airport during check-in time without finding it to be a burden.

#1. Pack Wisely Depending on Your Travel Day Schedule


I consider myself to be an expert packer. So, I typically refuse to get up more than 15 minutes before leaving my home in the morning when there is an early morning flight, and I make sure I get everything ready to go the day prior.

Three Guidelines Are Particularly Applicable:

  • You should pack it all in your baggage if You won’t need them till after you take off on your flight.
  • You ought to keep it in your purse or pockets if you’ll need it while in the cab.
  • Vaccination records and, if available, negative COVID lab results should also be in the easiest reachable pocket of your own luggage if you may require them at check-in or security.

#2. Put Showering and Personal Care First Previous Night


It is preferable to take showers at night since you’ll have more time to prepare your skin and hair for the next day of travel. This is very useful when getting ready for flights early in the morning. Your body and anxieties may be easily calmed before bed, and it even has the added bonus of promoting rapid sleeping (also great to do if you suffer from the winter blues). Showering, hair conditioning, shaving, skincare (masks, exfoliating, etc.), nail grooming, and other tasks need to be completed. You can avoid bringing all that stuff with you by doing this.

#3. Plan Your Travel Day Attire

The day before, you lay out your footwear and clothing in line with the route you’ll follow in the morning: clothing by the bed, footwear by the door, etc. You could perhaps don a few of the outfits you’ll wear the next day before going to bed. Getting out of bed? Boom. Your wake-up bell was nearly halfway through, and another five minutes were saved.

  • Expert advice: Your probability of earning an upgrade is higher if you dress decently! Avoid wearing pajamas, but dress comfortably.

#4. Late-Night Sleep

I’m not sure about you, but I usually feel awful if I wake up too early. I feel like crap, my eyeballs are dry, and I simply don’t feel like myself. I prefer to go to bed an hour earlier to attempt to get as much sleep as I can. Try writing your ideas down in advance if your brain is racing. To ensure that you don’t complain when you’re sleeping, it’s preferable to make a list of the items you’re concerned about missing.

#5. Verify in the Previous Day (early morning flights)

More often than not, cutting down on time spent at the airport is the smartest way to get ready for an absurdly early morning flight. You’ll get a few more wonderful minutes to sleep this way. Checking in the day before can save you time at the airport. Within 24 hours before the flight, the majority of flights provide you the opportunity to check online. Afterward, you may store a virtual ticket in the wallet application on your smartphone (or print it out if you prefer). If you don’t need to check any luggage, you may skip the airport check-in counter entirely and get straight to security by following this procedure.

#6. You Can Weigh Your Bags At Home

Measure and scale your baggage at home for an additional approach to cut down on time at the airport. Discovering that your suitcase is a few pounds overweight and then needing to rearrange your bags to bring them all to the right weight is one of the most unpleasant airport experiences. Measure your stuff beforehand to save yourself the stress of doing it all at a very early hour! You also may bring a small travel measure if you’re returning home from your holiday spot. You may use it at the airport.

#7. Set Up Your Flight in Advance


Some of us who live in cities find it simple to order a ridesharing service or take a cab at any hour of the day or night. However, you must book your transport in advance if you reside in a rural or suburban location. I once made the mistake of depending on an Uber when visiting the suburbs of New York for a short time, and the 15-minute wait that was expected instead lasted an hour due to the lack of available choices.

The Benefits of Early Morning Flights

There are several prevalent travel-related misconceptions. But every now and again, the page displays a pearl of wisdom. In that vein, this one is a monster. Start planning early morning departures and leave planes that arrive after 8 a.m. for the tardies. What for? The main reasons for their existence are listed below.

#1. Early Morning Flights for Fewer Costs

Current statistics indicate that early-morning flights are less expensive than flights that leave later in the day. It’s not a little difference when fare differences go up to 20% on average. Additionally, catching those early-morning flights will pay off if you have other major plans in the near future. Keep in mind when you’re seeking to schedule a flight that prices are often the highest for flights that depart at noon. Flights that depart early in the morning are the best option when it comes to saving money, while costs for flights that depart later in the day may increase depending on the region (such as Europe).

#2. Less delay (Early Morning Flights)

The lesser chance of a delay is possibly the major benefit of early flights. Nothing is worse than showing up on time for your trip, going through security, and then waiting around for hours with discarded newspapers or sticky tray tables that the flight attendants could have overlooked. Fast turnaround times between flights put pressure on personnel and crew to keep everything running smoothly. They are working against the clock to confirm that the plane has been thoroughly cleaned, disinfected, and supplied with all necessary supplies. If your flight is in the early morning, you can be confident that everything will go well.

#3. Cleaner Airplanes

You won’t have to deal with a plane that hasn’t yet carried hundreds (or thousands) of people if you take the morning trip. Although planes are cleaned and sanitized in between flights, boarding a trip early in the morning ensures that your jet won’t be full of discarded newspapers or sticky tray tables that the flight attendants could have overlooked. Fast turnaround times between flights put pressure on personnel and crew to keep everything running smoothly. They are working against the clock to confirm that the plane has been thoroughly cleaned, disinfected, and supplied with all necessary supplies. If your flight is in the early morning, you can be confident that everything will go well.

#4. Newer Crew

Consider the emotions you experience at the start and end of your workday. By 4:00 PM, you’re most likely less patient, a little more frantic, and a lot more worn out than you were at 9 AM. Now extend the same reasoning to pilots, flight attendants, and other members of the airline crew. The number of short-haul flights in one shift may be stressful, and the days are long, as are the passengers, who are demanding (and occasionally outright unruly, to the expense of everyone on board). On an early morning flight, you can be sure that the crew got a decent night’s sleep and wasn’t dealing with a full day’s worth of stress or problems.

Are Airports Crowded at 5 AM?

Knowing alternate least-crowded flight times is vital if you are unable to fly in the early morning. In many airports, business hours are the busiest times of the day (between 8 am and 5 pm).

Are Early Morning Flights Worth It?

The proverbial early bird may catch the worm, however, it also catches the best flights. In reality, passengers on the first flight out of the gate can typically anticipate a smoother journey, nicer service, a cleaner aircraft, and, frequently, a more affordable ticket.

How Early Should I Be for a 7 AM Flight?

Simple: two hours for domestic flights and three hours for international ones. (More, less.) Heather Lissner, a spokeswoman at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, claims that the two-hour proposal is mostly accepted in the sector.


Although getting up early isn’t for everyone, I can assure you that it is worthwhile if you’re flying. That’s because selecting the first flight of the day has some important advantages. The sooner you arrive at the airport, the easier your trip will indeed be, despite the annoyance of missing out on important sleep time.

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FAQs About Early Morning Flights

How Early Should I Be for a 7 AM Flight?

Simple: Two hours for domestic flights and three hours for international ones. (More, less.) Heather Lissner, a spokeswoman at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, claims that the two-hour proposal is mostly accepted in the sector.

Are Early Morning Flights Worth It?

The proverbial early bird may catch the worm, however, it also catches the best flights. In reality, passengers on the first flight out of the gate can typically anticipate a smoother journey, nicer service, a cleaner aircraft, and, frequently, a more affordable ticket.

Are Airports Crowded at 5 AM?

Knowing alternate least-crowded flight times is vital if you are unable to fly in the early morning. In many airports, business hours are the busiest times of the day (between 8 am and 5 pm).