GENERAL MANAGER JOB: Duties & Responsibilities of a General Manager


Establishing a business is one thing, but managing it is quite another. The most important and demanding job is managing an organization. Of course, being the general manager of a firm entails more than simply dressing professionally, supervising staff while seated at the head of the table, and using proper syntax. Although it needs to be one of your skills, getting the job is not dependent on it. Given its attraction and difficulty in obtaining, individuals are put off by the job’s lack of detail. If you are interested in working in a hotel, restaurant, eatery, automotive, or car industry or looking for an assistant general manager job, this piece is for you.

Here, you’ll learn everything you need to know about the duties of a general manager in the above-mentioned categories.

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Who Is The General Manager?

A general manager is a person entrusted with the power to oversee all the activities going on in the company’s departments, as well as control the general expenditures and ensure the workers’ well-being and that of the business. A general manager has the veto power to take certain decisions that will improve the status of the company, including suspending erring employees.

Keep in mind, however, that the general manager is not the owner of the company. He only represents the CEO of the organization, which placed him in the position of what I term “an interim CEO.” He may not be the CEO of the company, but under certain conditions, he acts as such and shares some exclusive rights with the CEO. 

After the CEO, the general manager is the second in command. In terms of business and its growth, the general manager is in the most demanding position. An employee or a promotion can lead to the position of a general manager. Whichever way, business owners seeking to employ managers should always be careful while accepting employment letters from job seekers. On the other hand, employees in the field should not accept the position because of the benefits since the responsibilities are as high as the benefits. Having a good understanding of the duties and services of a general manager, however, can make it an easy position to obtain.

Exclusive Duties of a General Manager 

The office of a general manager is not a title; it is a heavy crown for whoever holds the office. One thing that makes the general manager’s job special is that he oversees the rise and fall of the business or organization in his charge. The blame is on him as well as the praise. However, there are certain duties that those who are applying for the general manager position or are in it already must know and do while exercising their functions. They are listed below:

#1.Controlling Day-to-day Business Activities

A good general manager’s priority is to ensure better results after each day’s business transactions. Thus, tomorrow’s sales will improve gradually over yesterday’s. The general manager is always available at all times. He constantly makes plans for how things should be done. He also receives complaints that other department heads are unable to resolve, spot problems, and respond aggressively to them all to help the organization.

The top general managers set operational targets and devise means to make sure that they achieve those goals. However, since GMs are aware of the uncertainties that may happen, they are so flexible in spending that they are able to cope with every competitor threat and other unexpected events that may occur.

In addition, he moves departments to departments to see the ones that are keeping the pressure high, while the ones that need the energy to grow will be energized by his presence to grow like others, thereby making each business unit give quality service to the customers. However, what separates a business and GM from another is the production capacity. Top managers are more committed and better able to multitask. Unlike the less able general managers, who don’t commit the company to more things than it can handle.

#2. Planning And Executing Growth Strategies

General managers, who are in charge of making decisions, are the ones who will bind the entire company to market-driven strategies. As customers complain that their expectations are not being met by the business, the general manager may become very concerned about developing strategies to satisfy their demands. When GM meets customers’ demands, the business expands since customers become more loyal to the company.

A consultant recently compared the cost structure of a major company’s electronics component manufacturer with that of a rival. Compared to the previous firm, it spent more money on R&D and had a higher percentage of sales in just two areas-quality and R&D. The result was fewer rejections, more market share, better products, and higher earnings per share. He changed his view of where his company stood and how it needed market leadership five years ago.

In light of all of this, it is impossible to plan and execute a growth strategy without taking customer value into account. Customer value is always the top priority for good general managers. Customers and distributors provide general managers with competitive information rather than making plans and strategies themselves. As a result of that information, they will be able to make things happen in order to meet their competitive edge, giving them confidence and better options. 

#3.Hiring And Educating Employees

The general manager must hire people he thinks are suitable for the company. The general manager, not the company’s CEO, is ultimately responsible for the recruiting and training of the staff. He is in charge of managing the whole operation of the business. The general manager, in particular, replaces the CEO. While the CEO is away from the office, the general manager speaks on the CEO’s behalf inside the organization as well as with clients. The general manager is the general manager of the firm, but the CEO of an organization is similar to the general manager of the company. Thus, he is in charge of hiring and training workers.

In addition to recruiting staff, the general manager also trains and inspires the group. For instance, when you are setting goals for the company for a specific period, using your company’s financial statement, you call all of your employees together, both new and old, and show them the budget for the period, their individual goals, and reiterate to each of them their rewards if they can meet the goals before the period ends. They will get more motivated and gain momentum if you do this. They also provide workshops for employee training. You are both growing and bringing the team together by doing this.

Another important thing to do is to discover their human capital resources. Discover each worker’s abilities, sponsor their education if need be, and place them where their capacity match. By so doing you bring out the best in them and win their loyalty.

#4. Revenue Growth

One of the primary responsibilities of the general manager in an organization is to generate income. A top general manager improves the revenue of the company by establishing a strong culture of revenue management.

For instance, a general manager is responsible for all aspects of hotel management. The general manager of a hotel maximizes revenue from all sources, such as food and beverage sales, room rentals, and spa services. The general manager also has the authority to set team expectations, motivate the team to work respectfully, boost demand, and maximize revenue.

How General Managers Increase Revenue Management

#1. A Perfect Pricing Approach

Price is an organic catalyst that accelerates revenue growth.

As a general manager, you must understand how to raise the prices of goods without offending your customers. You also need to understand how your products compare to those of similar items from the perspective of consumers, as well as how much other competitors’ products cost.

The ideal strategy to place your price in the market is in this manner.

#2. Set Your Revenue Goal

After successfully overcoming the challenges at the beginning of your firm, you are aware that your price and product quality must draw people. But after acquiring your core clientele, you must modify your objective in order to raise your income or revenue.

You must have a clear plan for what you want to do.  After then you should be aware of the factors that really affect sales and income and concentrate on the actions necessary to achieve those factors.

#3. Prioritize On Your Real Customers 

As a general manager, one error you must avoid is losing your present clients while attempting to win over new ones, even if the client is a tough one. In addition, it is your responsibility to deliver excellent customer service. Offering referral bonuses to your existing clientele will help your business expand. Additionally, you may show them your appreciation by giving them discounts and freebies, which strengthens your bond with the customer.

However, by doing so, when you increase your revenue, they won’t leave you because they are now at the mercy of the organization due to the bond you created as a general manager.

#4. Check Accounting Records And Financial Data

One of a general manager’s management competencies is the capacity to examine financial and accounting statements. General managers are required to examine and evaluate cash flow figures, income statements, and balance sheets.

  • The balance sheet shows the equity, assets, liabilities, and the state of the company’s finances.
  • The income statement shows the profit and loss accounts. Over the course of the year, income and costs are shown.
  • The cash flow statements display how money enters and exits the business through investments and other financial transactions.
  • The general manager can assess the organization’s strengths and shortcomings and make the required modifications by controlling these records through his management team.

#5. Assessing Output And Performance

One begins a business to make money and expand as much as feasible. Even though times may be difficult, no company owner who makes preparations before starting a firm ever intends for it to fail. In addition, company owners hire a general manager since they have other responsibilities. Business is like a fire that may go out if you are not constantly inspecting and adjusting. In essence, no business owner will hire someone who cannot demonstrate that they can succeed in the company. In other words, in addition to serving as the company’s chief executive, the general manager also develops and implements business strategy.

Let me explain: As a general manager, your CEO will judge you based on how the company performs in the marketplace. These days, the market is cutthroat. Your CEO will be interested to see what you add to the growth of the company at the expense of other managers in the market because other business owners have their general managers who cover for them while they are away. Every general manager lives or dies based on each quarter’s success, therefore you have to go above and beyond to maintain the confidence your CEO has in you.

What I’m trying to explain is that CEOs call in auditors to look at the general manager’s performance as well as the business’s performance. The results of the audition will determine whether a general manager will remain on the job or be fired and replaced by a new employee.

Automotive General Manager Job

Who is an automotive general manager? The automotive general manager is a person who works in car dealerships and is entrusted with the responsibility of overseeing the various departments of the dealership. To put it another way, an automotive general manager is someone who oversees all of the tasks that go into running a car company, including budgeting, hiring staff, establishing a standard culture that other employees can adopt, planning, and generating sales by working with sales managers to monitor the company’s progress.

Automotive general manager job is identical to those of other general manager positions in businesses, with the exception that you need to have knowledge of or training in the automotive industry to hold this position. They must be able to play the role as successfully as possible.

Each quality of a general manager in any industry is related to the others. In the car sector, safety is of the utmost importance. As a result, automobile general manager job is to strictly regulate it.


  • An automotive general manager job is to reach the goal level, departmental service managers must be hired and trained just like financial or sales managers.
  • Another job of an automotive general manager is also to investigate and remain current with all local, state, and federal licenses and rules that are directly or indirectly related to the automobile business.
  • The implementation of growth plans is in line with the goals of the automobile firm.
  • The automotive general manager job is to enhance sales productivity and develop positive working relationships with other managers and the dealership workforce.
  • Automotive general manager job is to oversee daily operations, promptly address customer issues, and guarantee that customers are satisfied.


  • Excellent communication abilities, the capacity to decipher bank account statements, and previous leadership experience are all required in the automotive general manager job.
  • Most people are familiar with the trends in the automobile business.
  • The job of automotive general manager requires four or more years of experience working as a general manager or sales manager.
  • An Automotive general manager should have a high school graduation or a bachelor’s degree is preferable.

Hotel General Manager Job

The most desirable but demanding position in hotel management is probably that of a hotel general manager job. In essence, the hotel general manager is the most refined person in the entire building, inspiring your staff by serving as an example and dazzling your visitors.

A hotel is part of the hospitality sector. People travel to hotels for lodging, meals, drinks, and other associated services. However, what sets a hotel general manager job apart from a home is that it is equipped with a top general manager commercially with items that are often found in a household but are accessible to those traveling away from home.

Hotel management offers lodging and other amenities so that visitors can spend the night. If you’re traveling for pleasure or any other reason, staying in a hotel is a pleasant experience. But a hotel is only as good as its management. The hotel general manager is responsible for overseeing every department in a hotel, including the kitchen, bar, pool, fitness center, restaurants, clubhouse, and lodging facilities.

As I previously stated, the job of hotel general manager is appealing but comes with a lot of duties.

Qualities Hotel General Manager Job

  • Customer care: This goes beyond simply speaking clearly. The excellence of the services offered by the hotel’s general manager is the reason they attract more guests every day. If you, as the director, are unable to handle customer service, it’s possible that your staff won’t be either.
  • Being of service to humanity makes hotel management special. 
  • In the hotel general manager job, you must learn a few tricks to permanently enchant your visitors.

Below are some of the keys to service your guest perfectly

  • Keeping a positive attitude
  • fluency in speaking while maintaining good manners.
  • Your appearance: a hotel director presents himself appropriately.
  • Pay close attention to every grievance that your clients raise.
  • have a broad range of communication abilities.
  • Be available at all times, not just when they need you. You won’t be found at that moment.
  • Set the bar achievable for your employees.

Job Description For Hotel General Manager

  1. The day-to-day management of a hotel is the job of the general manager.
  2. To be followed by all departments, he or she provides strategic planning.
  3. He represents the company as its brand ambassador.
  4. The general manager is the head of the management group, leading the hotel’s efforts to provide the best possible guest experience.
  5. requests meetings with departmental heads to go over important topics that will help the industry and their special guest.
  6. Along with sales and capital plans, he creates the annual operating budgets.
  7. They hire and educate new employees.
  8. Control all facets of business planning.

Restaurant General Manager Job

A restaurant or eatery is a place for commercial purposes, food is prepared and served to customers in a restaurant. Stabilizing the restaurant’s revenue as well as setting and achieving an annual quality goal is all the job of a general manager in a restaurant. Keeping the daily routine moving along while maintaining high levels of productivity and client satisfaction is also part of the restaurant job of a general manager.

The job of a general manager in a restaurant requires prior experience in management abilities, both inside and outside of the kitchen, in order to succeed in this role. His duty is to hire competent and seasoned wait and kitchen staff. Set the start and end times with extreme precision. As a restaurant general manager, you have to lead by example.

Responsibilities Of Restaurant General Manager Job

  • The job of a restaurant general manager is to ensure the highest level of customer satisfaction by providing superior services.
  • Continuously assess the quality of your products and look into new suppliers.
  • Manage and coordinate shifts.
  • The job of a restaurant general manager is also to plan each day’s operations both in and out of the restaurant.
  • When customers complain, the restaurant’s general manager’s job is to respond promptly and accurately.
  • Plan ahead by estimating your kitchen’s equipment and needs.
  • A restaurant general manager job is also to instruct both new and existing employees in good customer service techniques.

Assistant General Manager Job

Managing the organization’s day-to-day activities is the job of the assistant general manager. The assistant director general is often a helping hand. Also, sometimes presides over the activities of an organization in the absence of the general manager.

While organizing daily projects and managing employees, the assistant general manager’s job is to do so without being domineering.

An assistant general manager’s job is to have good communication skills and should sit behind the general manager during staff training. In the absence of the general manager, he must be confident enough to carry the entire burden. The person must be intelligent and communicatively competent (i.e., know when and how to use words correctly).

Responsibilities Of Assistant General Manager job

  1. The assistant general manager job is to help the director with project planning and staff management by working together.
  2. When it is allowed or when the general manager is not present, the job of the assistant general manager is to deal with problems facing the organization.
  3. attempting to build goodwill with the staff.
  4. Managing the production process and supervising the staff is also the job of the assistant general manager.
  5. Teaching staff by example is also the assistant general manager’s job.


A general manager’s job is to serve as the conduit through which all activity in a business or organization moves. Through training, he puts the standards into practice and instills them in the employees. 

There cannot be peace and coexistence without a general manager for everything in this world, including animals. In fact, every company requires a general manager. When preparing to launch a company, entrepreneurs should also consider how to hire a top general manager. This is because every company needs a general manager who is well-versed in the industry the owner intends to enter. If not, the business will somehow collapse. Meanwhile, the assistant general manager’s job is to support the manager in his duties.

In a nutshell, a general manager’s job is to develop the company and shape society.

FAQs On General Manager Job

What are general manager job descriptions?

  • Supply market research…
  • Take responsibility for every outcome in the business at all times…
  • Brings ideas for revenue increase…

What's it like to become a general manager?

As a general manager, your work is to make a plot and oversee and organize all the activities in the organizational unit.

How to become a general manager.,.

  • Complete a bachelor’s degree in business…
  • Gain more experience from different companies…
  • Consider advancing your degree in master of business administration(MBA)…