INBOUND TOURISM: Meaning & Everything You Need to Know


Inbound tourism is a major type of travel. Of course, most nations remain dependent on incoming visitor demands to drive the growth and functioning of their tourism industries. So what exactly does it mean to be an inbound tourist? Don’t worry; keep reading. In this article, I will define the word “inbound tourism,” explore its present meaning as well as analyze its benefits, and cover everything else you need to know about it.


What Is Tourism?

Tourism means the action of visitors who go to a prominent location beyond their typical environment for a period of less than a year for any primary aim, encompassing business, pleasure, or other personal reasons, other than to work for a resident company in the location toured.

What Is Inbound Tourism?

Inbound tourism is the process of traveling to a nation apart from one’s own for the purpose of visiting. Inbound tourism is important to so many countries all over the world. Because inbound tourism is often periodic, most sites will have areas of importance, shoulder, and low periods. This one is determined primarily by weather conditions (such as sun or snow) as well as school and public holiday schedules.

Definitions Of Inbound Tourism

According to the World Tourism Organization, inbound tourism is the behavior of a tourist who travels to a location outside his or her typical surroundings for a period of no more than one year and no fewer than 24 hours. Traveling for pleasure, business, or pleasure rather than for profit.

Characteristics Of Inbound Tourism

The following features are represented in the preceding definition:

  1. Moving from one location to another
  2. Time spent traveling
  3. Also, the wanderer alters his surroundings.
  4. Furthermore, the goal of traveling is to have fun, not to work or to make money.
  5. The basic idea behind inbound tourism is that money is spent.

Methodology and Classification of Inbound Tourism

The World Tourism Organization suggests that the study be prepared with the following items in mind:

  • The number of tourists
  • Age and gender
  • Education 
  • Annual earnings
  • The visit’s purpose.
  • Stay duration. 
  • Furthermore, tourists are generated by origin and destination.
  • Residence area.
  • different modes of transportation
  • Accommodation.

Important of Inbound Tourism

Many places rely heavily on inbound tourism. This is mostly due to the economic benefits of tourism. Also, it can bring in a lot of money in the form of foreign exchange for a country. This is especially useful in nations where the currency is weaker than the visitors’ native currency.

As a result, several nations will tailor their advertising to specific ethnicities. China, for instance, is one of the world’s largest outbound tourism markets, and Chinese travelers spend more money on vacations than travelers from any other country. As a result of the economic worth of this sector, several nations aim to attract incoming Chinese visitors. Conversely, over-reliance on incoming tourism may be dangerous for locations. Many tourist locations, such as the Maldives, Spain, and Greece, rely largely on tourists traveling from other countries to visit them.

When the travel sector is impacted, the issue starts. This was never more evident than during the 2020 pandemic when the effects of the coronavirus on tourism were catastrophic. Other causes, such as political upheaval, natural catastrophes, or economic instability, might also have a detrimental impact on inbound tourism. To guarantee that sustainable tourism principles are followed, locations should vary their tourist offerings to appeal to both the local and inbound tourism markets.

Strategic Analysis for Inbound Tourism

To improve our knowledge of inbound tourism as well as its subsystems, we conduct strategic analyses of their surroundings, allowing us to interact with all of the aspects that make up the system’s framework.

Potency Factors Include

  • There are several distinctive attractions.
  • Also, the tourism body’s extensive experience.
  • furthermore, the official body with the rank of minister.
  • Additionally, favorable public opinion.
  • Legislation and regulations governing its operations.
  • Finally, the opening of tourism colleges and institutes.

Weaknesses Include

  • Difficult facilities.
  • Inadequate manpower skills.
  • Inadequate service.
  • Also, the private sector is involved in outbound tourism.
  • Inadequate Technology.
  • Furthermore, weak ties with the international tourism community.
  • Volunteer groups’ poor performance.
  • No promotion or marketing activity

World’s Top Tourism Spenders

The World Travel & tourism council compiles the World Tourism ratings as part of their World Tourism Barometer publication, which is issued up to six times each year. Following the compilation, countries were rated in the report based on the number of foreign visitor arrivals, inbound tourism income, and outbound travel spending.

Most Popular International Tourist Locations

There were 1.459 billion foreign visitor arrivals globally in 2019, a 3.7% increase over 2018. Below are the top ten foreign tourism sites in 2019:

DestinationRankInternational tourist Arrival(2018)International Tourist Arrivals(2019Change(2018    To2019)  (%)Change(2017    To  2018)    (%)
FRANCE        189.4 million        –        –    2.9
SPAIN        282.8 million83.5 million        0.8    1.1
UNITED STATES        379.7 million79.3 million        0.6    3.3
CHINA        462.9 million65.7 million        4.5      3.6
ITALY        561.6 million64.5 million          4.8      5.7
TURKEY        645.8 million51.2 million        11.9    21.7
MEXICO        741.3 million45.0 million          9.0    5.1
THAILAND        838.2 million39.8 million          4.3    7.3
GERMANY        938.9 million39.6 million          1.8    3.8
UNITED KINGDOM      1038.7 million39.4 million    1.9    2.2 

The Relationship Between Tourism and Economic Growth

Because of its expanding contribution to long-term economic growth, the importance of inbound tourism has increased enormously. It promotes economic growth by increasing foreign exchange reserves, stimulating investments in new facilities, and human capital, increasing competition, promoting industrial development, creating jobs, and thus increasing income. Inbound tourism also generates positive externalities, and ultimately, as the economy grows, one can claim that GDP growth may result in an increase in inbound visitors.

Furthermore, according to the tourist-led growth hypothesis (TLGH), more international tourism stimulates economic growth. It is based on the notion that export growth may produce industrial prosperity. However, the question is whether tourist activity causes economic growth or if economic development causes tourism growth. A research study will look at the possible links between economic growth and global tourism, as well as the relative relevance of financial development in the context of the BRICS countries. Financial markets are seen as an important aspect in generating robust economic growth because they help economic efficiency by redirecting financial capital from wasteful to useful purposes.

What Is the Purpose of Inbound Tourism?

This is mostly due to the financial advantages of tourism. It may also bring in a lot of cash in the form of foreign exchange for a state. This is especially useful in nations where the currency is weaker than that of the visitors’ native currency. 

What Are the 4 Main Types of Tourism?

Types of tourism are

  1. Tourism for adventure. Adventure tourism has indeed lately increased in popularity in India as a type of tourism.
  2. Also, the wide coastline and islands of India provide several prospects for exciting tourism…
  3. Cultural tourism…
  4. Wildlife tourism.

What Is Inbound Tourism Example?

 Inbound tourism refers to the actions of a resident tourist that take place outside of their own country (e.g. Brits visiting an overseas country)

How Do You Attract Inbound Tourism?

Eight Advertising Strategies to Increase Tourist Visitation

  1. Seek collaborations. 
  2. Create an eye-catching destination website.
  3. Also, apply SEO principles. 
  4. Additionally, emphasize the main attractions.
  5. Furthermore, determine Your Ideal Visitors. 
  6. Not only…but also, gather and Apply Information to Get to Know Your Visitors.
  7. Also, concentrate on branding.
  8. Finally, marketing via engagement.

What Is Inbound Tourism Expenditure?

Inbound tourism expenditure is defined as the tourism spending of a non-resident tourist inside the economy of a country (IRTS 2008, 4.15(b)).

Is Inbound Tourism an Export?

Tourism is commerce; tourism is an export. It increases a country’s national productivity and foreign currency profits; however, it is subject to the rigors of the global market. Tourism, like other commercial sectors, must be nurtured in order to compete.

Related Posts:

  1. Tourism and Travel Management Course: The Ultimate Guide(Opens in a new browser tab)
  2. Tourism and Hospitality Management: Definition, Benefits, Careers(Opens in a new browser tab)
  3. Tourism and Travel Management: A Complete Guide(Opens in a new browser tab)

FAQs About Inbound Tourism

How Do You Attract Inbound Tourism?

  • Create an eye-catching destination website.
  • Also, apply SEO principles. 
  • Additionally, emphasize the main attractions.
  • Furthermore, determine Your Ideal Visitors. 
  • Not only…but also, gather and Apply Information to Get to Know Your Visitors.
  • Also, concentrate on branding.

What Is the Purpose of Inbound Tourism?

This is mostly due to the financial advantages of tourism. It may also bring in a lot of cash in the form of foreign exchange for a state. This is especially useful in nations where the currency is weaker than that of the visitors’ native currency. 

Is Inbound Tourism an Export?

Tourism is commerce; tourism is an export. It increases a country’s national productivity and foreign currency profits; however, it is subject to the rigors of the global market. Tourism, like other commercial sectors, must be nurtured in order to compete.