INTELLIGENT TRAVELLER: Guide for Best Travel Experience

Intelligent Traveller

It’s no secret that travelling and travelling internationally has become much more accessible as technology has improved. What’s not as well understood is how to travel intelligently while still having a fun and safe trip. In this post, we’ll discuss the most important factors in travel and the best ways to go about getting the most out of your trip. You’ll learn how to get the most out of your trip and how to travel better while still being safe. Read on to learn more about an intelligent traveller.

What Is Travel Intelligence?

The phrase “travel intelligence” describes how the study of current and worldwide data is incorporated into the decision-making process for the tourist industry. Or, to put it another way, it is the capacity to lessen uncertainty by utilizing facts gathered from a range of data sources in real-time. The operational application of big data is called travel intelligence. A concept that is frequently elusive and challenging to translate into actions and a distinct return on investment.

If we can’t structure, aggregate, and cross-analyze data to gain more knowledge, it has little value by itself. Once the data is acquired, it can be expanded upon and supplemented with information gleaned from other sources, so increasing our understanding. The final result of travel intelligence won’t be achieved until knowledge is translated into actionable actions, therefore there is still a piece of the puzzle lacking.

Travel Data to Analyze

Today, it is possible to analyze and forecast tourism trends using a massive ocean of data. Historical and statistical information that is typically used in the industry can be used to supplement these. We specifically make use of the following categories of tourism-related data:

  •  Data from air connectivity: including flight times, costs, searches, and bookings.
  •  Data about visitor behaviour via social media: spontaneous exchanges on social media that reveal visitor interest and perspective trends.
  • Information about lodging: include hotels, vacation rentals, costs, and reviews.
  • Spending Information: Credit and debit card spending by tourists.
  • Mobility data: to measure visitor and tourist mobility, mobile device access to mobile telephone network nodes at a location is necessary.

Solutions that Travel Intelligence Provide

Travel intelligence provides the following solutions for an intelligent traveller:

  • Determine how well-known a place is: Tourist satisfaction scores and the perceived security index
  • Tourism growth and interest
  • Analyze and foresee the tourism demand for a location
  •  A destination’s accessibility: costs and airline seats
  • Amount of visitors, number of overnight stays, and movement patterns
  • Tourists that spend the most money while visiting a place.

These are but a few examples of how to use the data directly, demonstrating the potential benefits of having access to this accurate data for many types of decision-making processes, including strategic, operational, marketing, revenue management, destination management, investments, etc.

Types of Travellers

There are different types of travelers and they include:

#1. Holidaymakers

These people will journey to a vacation spot for an ordinary resort vacation. Many people visit European resorts in Mediterranean nations like Spain, Italy, or Greece in pursuit of the sun, or go on skiing vacations to France and Switzerland. They will typically have easy access to medical facilities should they be needed because these tourists are traveling to a vacation destination with a hotel that offers all the comforts of home. As a result, they should be able to get any medications they need from a nearby pharmacy or medical facility.

It is far preferable for these travelers to get medical attention from a doctor or hospital while they are away than to attempt to treat major illnesses on their own. Children, the elderly, pregnant women, and people with disabilities may also fall into this category. If they are sick, they should all seek medical attention.

#2. Business Travellers

In most cases, this group of travelers fits the same description as the preceding group in that they are never far from medical aid if that is what is needed. The fundamental distinction is that most people will visit cities rather than vacation destinations. However, a small group will periodically travel in the course of their work to more distant locations. In this situation, a compact medical kit for treating minor illnesses will be quite useful and practical. These visitors will also find value in the material provided on this website.

Rest is essential both before and after travel because fatigue and jet lag can impair your ability to work efficiently. For business travellers, contaminated food and drink are the main sources of sickness. Drinking too much alcohol might cause odd behaviour, including taking sexual risks. Sex that is deemed “unsafe,” especially with professionals, has a significant risk of infection, including HIV.

#3. Adventure Travellers

This category comprises those who embark on self-planned journeys alone or in small groups, such as hikers, mountaineers, climbers, bikers, canoeists, scuba divers, etc. The list goes on and on. This kind of journey typically comprises using public transportation or walking along with modest, affordable lodging. Travellers who are subjected to higher health hazards, as a result, would likely benefit the most from bringing their own personalized medical kit with them.

#4. Expedition Members

Expeditions are comparable to adventure travel because of their very nature, so everything in the section above is equally applicable to this category. Expeditions, in contrast, typically last much longer, visit much more isolated regions, and require a certain level of fitness and competence. Due to the nature of the environment and length of stay, expedition travellers are more likely to be exposed to infections than regular tourists. More likely than not, you will engage with the locals more than other tourists. Consider any necessary precautions in advance to avoid getting sick from tainted food and water, bug and animal bites, or close contact with the community.

#5. Long Term Travellers

This category consists of personnel from embassies, volunteers, missionaries, and others who plan to stay for a long time in a nation. Some people want to leave the country permanently, while others may merely want to go see their relatives for a while. This group occasionally includes travellers who take a year off to hike “around the world.”

One should not rush through preparation. Immunizations, malaria prevention (if necessary), research into potential food and water cleanliness issues, and other illness concerns are also crucial. The fear of the unknown can be lessened by making a quick trip to the desired destination beforehand.

Skills Every Traveller Should Have

Below is a list of the skills that an intelligent traveller is supposed to have.

#1. Read a Map

This is one of the skills an intelligent traveller should have. Even in the era of widely available GPS, it’s still a good idea to be able to read a map. This ability is especially important in locations without cellular coverage. Additionally, it’s a must for traveling by car, trekking, and navigating urban areas where you might wish to store data for emergencies (versus Yelping a restaurant for dinner). Learn how to use a conventional compass to advance your orienteering abilities. You can have a better understanding of new places by looking at maps of the area before you arrive.

#2. Drive a Stick Shift

A manual transmission is only found in a small fraction of new automobiles sold in the United States, and when you rent a car domestically, obtaining an automatic is almost a given. But if you know how to drive a stick, renting a car in Europe is simpler – and less expensive. Less uncommon and frequently the least expensive rental choice abroad are manual transmissions. Being able to drive one allows you to focus more on getting to the closest restaurant and less on specifying a specific make.

#3. Approach Strangers

You learn as you get older not to chat with strangers. As an intelligent traveller, you should learn to approach strangers. On the road, random people can direct you to the best eateries, small businesses, and off-the-beaten-path sights. Additionally, if you are lost, you might be able to locate someone who can give you directions. It can be difficult to approach someone you don’t know, but you can start by chatting with store owners or hotel personnel (even if you’re not staying at a certain place). No matter where you are, people who work in the service sector frequently speak many languages.

#4. Change a Flat Tire

This is also one of the skills an intelligent traveller should have. Driving on a daily basis is easier if you understand basic auto maintenance. However, being able to repair a flat tire might save you from difficulties and headaches and keep you moving, especially if you’re planning a long road trip. Naturally, services like AAA are fantastic for mental clarity and bigger snafus. Learn how to boost up the automobile, where to put the car jack, and how to remove the lug nuts. Make sure you have access to your key if your car has wheel locks; otherwise, even good strangers who wish to fix a flat for you won’t be able to.

#5. Learn the Local Language

Even though knowing a language besides English is great, some of the finest travelers don’t. Instead, they are conversant in enough basic terms to get by wherever they are. Show that you’re genuinely trying by going beyond simply learning and relying on “do you speak English?” Your efforts will provide you with the assurance you need to travel to an unfamiliar country, and the people will be grateful.

Does Travelling Increase Your IQ?

That’s right, travel actually makes you smarter. In fact, a recent study of chimpanzees in Uganda showed that those who traveled farther on a regular basis were more resourceful and intelligent than those who didn’t.

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FAQs About Intelligent Traveller

What is travelling mindset?

“The concept is openness, curiosity, and a sense of adventure no matter where you are in the world, even when you’re at home,” says Kern. When you practice the Traveler’s Mindset, you allow the benefits of travel to assimilate into your day-to-day life.

Why travelling opens your mind

“Because travel produces encounters between strangers, it is likely to prompt empathetic-type imaginings, which simply wouldn’t be there without the proximity created by travel,” says Hazel Tucker

Can travelling cure anxiety?

Having new experiences is beneficial for improving brain function and boosting your mental health. Travel has been linked to stress reduction and can alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression.