Wills and Trusts for Dummies: What It Is and How It Works

Wills and Trust for Dummies

Writing a legal will is the greatest gift and protection for your family, regardless of your age or wealth. Nelson Mandela once said, “Death is inevitable.” “When a man has done what he thinks is his duty to his people and his country, he can rest in peace.” Actually, it assures your loved ones that they will be well cared for after you are gone. But how and where do you secure your generation’s future after you are gone? This article, Wills & Trusts For Dummies, includes guides from Suze-Orman regarding wills and trusts, as well as a book and a pdf. Without wills and trusts, it might cost your beneficiaries more time, money, and emotional stress to fix your mistakes after you pass away.

The term “dummies” simply refers to someone unaware of the consequences and problems of failing to legally document one’s assets before death. And as such, a dead man cannot see, hear, or speak. Additionally, for most people, it is necessary to protect their assets and money. In addition, having crucial necessary information and documentation in case the unexpected occurs is important.

Wills and Trusts for Dummies

Where your assets should go upon your death is found in a legal document called Wills and Trusts for Dummies. It passes assets down to your children and beneficiaries. Additionally, you could create a will and trust for your growing child and then leave it to them when they reach adolescence. 

Why Do You Need Wills and Trusts for Dummies?

You shouldn’t think that only the wealthy or those with many assets need a will. Having said that, creating wills and trusts for your family and loved ones has the following advantages. 

  • It states who gets your assets. Who receives what and how much is up to you.
  • You can prevent those you don’t want your assets to go to (like a distant relative) from getting hold of them.
  • Your heirs will gain access to your assets more quickly and easily.
  • It’s yours to decide who should watch your kids. Or else, the courts will rule if there is no will.
  • You can also make gifts and charitable grants to help reduce the cost of your assets.

Suze-Orman Wills and Trusts for Dummies 

According to Orman, a trust will protect you against the need for executors’ and attorneys’ fees during the probate process.  Yes, if you have transferred all of your assets into the trust, there won’t be any probate fees. You can opt into Suze-Orman’s celebrity program, an advertisement for your wills and trusts because the prices are fair and the advertisements seem credible. 

The Suze Orman wills and trusts for Dummies program are as easy as they can be, but they deal with legalities, life and death, money, real estate, and other property. Attorneys will likely charge close to $2000 to do this because it takes hours of work. So, it is not simple, except that those who have used tax software will find the process easier.

The Probate Process in Wills and Trusts

During the probate process, upon the death of a person, assets are legally checked to determine heirs. Also, sometimes a will does not necessarily start a probate proceeding.  For a better insight, Suze Orman stated four necessary documents for wills and trusts, which are:

  • Will
  • Living revocable trust
  • Financial power of attorney 
  • Advanced healthcare directive

If you have the necessary documents, it will be as easy as possible for your loved ones to take care of you and live longer than you.

Let’s quickly review the needs of Suze Orman’s wills and trusts for dummies.

#1. Will

In most cases, not all of your assets should be in your trust. You specify who will inherit certain property in your will when you pass away. If you have young children, you must have a will in order to name a guardian for them.

#2. Living Revocable Trust.

Giving your estate to your beneficiaries is incredibly simple with a living revocable trust. Without a revocable trust, your beneficiaries might not be able to receive your assets without first going through the drawn-out and often very expensive probate court process. Because of this, you still need a “pour-over will,” which ensures that all the assets you want to transfer to the trust are so even if you forget to retitle some of them before you die. However, you can avoid probate by creating a revocable trust for your beneficiaries.

#3. Financial Power of Attorney

In the event that you become too ill, this assigns someone to manage your investments and bills on your behalf.

#4. An Advanced Healthcare Directive

A healthcare power of attorney and an advance memo are both necessary. The power of attorney part will name the person you want to carry out your instructions in the event of illness and communicate your choices to medical staff. 

Wills and Trusts for Dummies Book

Suze-Orman and Aaron Larson do a good job of guiding you through a difficult process with their book on wills and trusts for dummies. Of course, decisions still needed to be made, but the fact that everything was printed without a hitch was a major accomplishment.

Additionally, you should write down your wishes for medical care in an advance directive, also known as a living will. The Wills & Trusts for Dummies book by Suze-Orman also includes reading material and, in some cases, voiceovers.  You can also draft a living will as an advance directive, outlining your preferences for medical care.

Wills and Trusts for Dummies PDF

I advise you to get your hands on one of the Wills and Trusts for Dummies PDFs written by Aaron Larson and Suze-Orman, as they guarantee a free advantage in knowledge when handling your wills and trusts for dummies. 

There are also PDF resources on trust and wills for Dummies from popular authors. 

  • The American Bar Association
  • Wills, Trusts, and Estates for Legal Assistants by Gerry W. Beyer
  • Wills, Trusts, and Charitable Estate Planning: An Analysis of Document Effectiveness Using Panel Data Russell N. James, III
  • Estate Planning For Dummies by N. Brian Caverly, Jordan S. Simon
  • Estate & Trust Administration For Dummies by Margaret A. Munro, and Kathryn A. Murphy
  • Get other amazing PDF books with one click.

Without Wills and Trusts for Dummies 

Simply put, someone is said to have died intestate if they leave behind no will. Dying intestate happens when a decedent doesn’t leave a will. If the decedent’s estate lacks a valid will, they must submit a request to the probate court in order to give the estate, take care of their debts, and raise their young children. This can cost your heirs and beneficiaries a significant amount of money.

If a will is found to be invalid and the decedent had no prior valid will, then the situation is said to be without Wills and Trusts for Dummies. For example, the probate court doesn’t always abide by the decedent’s wishes to divide the assets among heirs unequally if you don’t have wills and trusts for Dummies.

Usually, a court-appointed guardian is paid to hold a child’s inheritance from an intestate estate if the child receives an inheritance. However, the court oversees the assets until the child reaches adulthood. The only person who benefits from this arrangement frequently is the court-appointed guardian of the child’s assets, who may not even have known the deceased but is now not only responsible for the care and feeding of the minor child but also receives payment from the estate for service.

In most cases, if both parents are dead or if the surviving parent is deemed unfit, the court also determines who will raise the child. Keep in mind that, if the court so decides, one person can serve as the child’s guardian for both their person and their property.


Wills and trusts for Dummies books and PDFs from prolific authors like Suze-Orman and others draw your attention to the importance of having legal arrangements in place, with or without having wills and trusts for dummies. As a result, it will make it easier for your assets to be transferred to your heirs directly and protect them from any negative effects or problems that your mistakes could lead to after your death.

If you truly care about them, you should start a trust and will right away.

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FAQs on Wills and Trusts for Dummies 

What It Costs to Create a Trust for a Child?

Depending on whether you’re single or married, the complexity of the trust, and the state you live in, the cost of hiring an attorney to create your trust will likely be in the range of $1,500 to $2,500. Although some highly complex trusts of wealthy people cost upwards of $5,000 to $7,000.

Cost of a Revocable Will and Trust?

It will cost you about $30 for a book or $70 for living trust software if you are willing to do it yourself. You should budget between $1,200 and $2,000 if you hire a lawyer to handle the matter for you.

What Is a Financial Power of Attorney?

A financial power of attorney is a legal document that allows you to appoint someone to manage your finances and property on your behalf. This can include things like paying bills, depositing money in the bank, getting insurance benefits, and other things.