BEST PRACTICES OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT: 13 Best Practices to Improve Hotel Customer Service

Best Practices of Hotel Management

Whether you are just starting up a business in the hospitality industry or are already established, there is always room for improvement. Regardless of your level of experience as a hotel manager or your level of work experience. Furthermore, putting in place the best practices for managing a hotel, such as transparency, employee motivation, and enhancing leadership skills, is very important to ensure the growth of your hotel. In this piece, you will learn about the best practices for hotel management.

What are the best practices of hotel management service?

The best practices of hotel customer services include:

  • Building a strong team
  • Appreciate and recognize your employee efforts
  • Invest in quality hotel software
  • Address the input of your customers
  • Maintain a friendly environment for customers and staff

Best Practices of Hospitality Management

Below are the best 13 practices of hotel management:

#1. Spend money on dependable hotel software

The way hotel managers run their businesses can be completely transformed by investing in high-quality, integrated, and user-friendly hotel software. Although software can be an additional cost, hotel management can save a huge amount of time and money by integrating their systems. In order words, to save time and get rid of tedious practices, many busy hoteliers, especially those who manage large hotels or several properties, invest in integrated property management systems. The CRM and RMS of the hotel are connected via integrated property management systems, which offer real-time availability updates on hotel distribution channels. Additionally, integrated software solutions assist hotels in many other ways, such as streamlining laborious manual entry processes.

#2. Maintain Staff Happiness

Happy customers are the result of happy (and knowledgeable) workers. Therefore, hoteliers should make a concentrated effort to continuously train their staff on the value of providing excellent customer service and empower (and reward) them as they do so. By adding gamification strategies that genuinely involve staff in the training process. Also, certain hotel companies make the educational process entertaining. Regardless of the strategy, make an investment in the training of your team. Take good care of your employees, and they’ll take care of the client, and the customer will come back, as Bill Marriott famously wrote.

#3. Develop the Skill of Delegation.

Hotel managers need to concentrate their time and efforts on the areas that will help the hotel the most if they want to achieve the highest levels of success. Successful hotel managers are also able to determine their own strengths and areas of performance that need improvement, as well as those of other hotel employees. Find managers and staff members who possess noteworthy skill sets or passions, and give them assignments that will foster the growth of those skills or passions. Hotel management can also be a tremendous source of stress. In addition, as new responsibilities arise, some managers have a bad habit of taking on more and more authority, which can cause exhaustion, anxiety, and possibly poor performance.

#4. Build a Strong Team

Make new hotel staff feel comfortable and welcome from the moment they walk through the door. Also, invest in staff training, helpful software systems, and technology that provides additional support services for hotel employees. Emphasize employee recognition and reward staff with the rewards that matter most to them. Furthermore, this is the best practice that can motivate your workers to attend to visitors whenever they check-in.

#5. Develop the Skill to Maintain and Recognize Your Employee.

Employee recognition is second only to work-life balance as the reason people stay at their current job. 21% of survey respondents listed employee recognition as the top reason they continue to work. Also, investing in recognition and staff appreciation can help increase employee satisfaction, leading to higher retention levels. Furthermore, show employees your gratitude with the rewards that really matter, such as dinners, outings, and other standard recognition practices.

#6. Do Not Allow Room for Pride

According to Tall, the hotel sector is developing at such a fast rate that laziness can never be profitable. “The environment you’re walking in changes with each step forward. ” Tall also advised hoteliers to keep in mind that there is always room for improvement, no matter how ground-breaking an idea will seem. Instead of waiting to adapt to change, our entrepreneurial spirit compels us to initiate change, he said. It’s also a mindset that strikes a balance between ambition and modesty, curiosity and self-assurance. 

#7. Know Where to Follow Event Leads

How well you generate leads and convert them into customers determines how much money you can make in the hotel industry now. Also, by offering distinctive material that shows the services offered by your hotel, you will draw potential guests, but after you accomplish that, you’ll want to keep track of them. You will track visitors to your page and target them with promotions and other content across a number of digital marketing channels by employing remarketing tools on your website. (That means you have another chance to book those clients who just need a little more convincing!)

#8. Use Social Media to Simply Spread the Message.

One of your best marketing tools is the content that your visitors share on social media about their time spent at your hotel. So give visitors a smart hashtag or Snapchat geofilter to use while they are there. It further, makes it simple for their friends to locate the incredibly adorable, lovely, great, and reasonably priced hotel where their friend is staying and make reservations there as well. In essence, make sure you clearly display that hashtag in the lobby, on checkout materials, in-room materials, and elsewhere.

#9. Observe Current Developments in Hotel

A leader in the hospitality industry is an innovator. Hotel managers need to further, stay on top of changing marketing tactics, hospitality industry trends, and performance patterns particular to their hotel and market if they want to stay relevant and competitive in a crowded market. Also,  by accepting change, you will keep up with the times.

Development of Hotels

The development of hotels requires that you follow these technologies which include:

  • Financial management 
  • Internet Marketing
  • Using social media
  • Interactive marketing
  • And lodging software
  • Cellular check-in options

#10. Maintain a Current Internet Presence for Your Hotel.

Update the online listing pages and website for your hotel to show off any new amenities or updated features and include high-quality professional images. Also, include marketing materials that are updated to speak to today’s event planners, travel agents, and tech-savvy tourists. Invite internet visitors to visit your hotel in photo-realistic 3D or to fly over the property in high-definition drone footage. Work on managing your whole internet presence in addition to the website for your hotel. It is very important that your hotel’s information be correct and consistent across all platforms, including listings on third-party booking services and social media websites. List your hotel on group and event venue-sourcing websites like the Cvent Supplier Network or Wedding Spot (a venue-only wedding website) to further improve your hotel’s exposure.

#11. Encourage Longer Stays.

Allowing customers to stay longer in your hotel is one of the best practices in hotel management. Although it is said that millennials “prolong their stays” even after work travels. Also, profit from this trend and make it simple for them to carry it out. A unique offer to prolong their stay with a lower rate and no further fees could be included in a follow-up email you send. Nevertheless, you might think about posting a special deal or discount on your website (even 5% off can be convincing!). There are also countless possibilities, but the outcome always increases your revenue.

#12. Keep an Eye on New Trends in Hospitality

Make sure you’re informed of new hospitality trends. If you’re not, you won’t be able to advance in your career. In other words, for you to stay up to date on events, technology, and other elements that are certain to affect hotel RevPAR. Also, there is a list put together of the finest hotel blogs to follow. In other words, you’ll draw in more customers and increase your top-line income by being the first to offer new services.

#13. Management of Time

Time management should also be on the hotel management checklist. You run the risk of getting into trouble if you do not effectively and carefully manage your time. Hotel management involves handling multiple tasks rather than just one operational activity. You must therefore determine whether you will use your time well and correctly. 

What Are the Best Practices of Hotel Management?

The best five hospitality practices include the following:

  • Begin with a sincere greeting.
  • Keep workers happy.
  • Exceed the demands and expectations of the customer
  • Encourage longer stay
  • Maintain a current trend in your hotel

What Is the 10 5 Rule in Hospitality?

The 10 and 5 rule in the hospitality industry is the best practice that helps you be aware of your activities throughout the day. Furthermore, Rule 10 states that when a customer comes in within ten feet, the team member(s) will stop their conversation to acknowledge the approaching guest when the guest is within ten (10) feet of them. While our team members will nod or greet the visitor(s) at a distance of about five (5) feet.

What Is the Most Important Aspect of Hotel Management?

The most important aspect of hotel management is effective communication. Also, to build and keep relationships among your customers and employees.

What Are the Top 10 Best Practices of Hotel Management?

Below are the 10 best customer practices:

  • Be quick to respond to issues
  • Time management
  • To meet customer’s  needs
  • Focus on retaining your customers
  • Have a friendly attitude
  • Good communication skill
  • Knowing your product will help you guide them in getting this product
  • Motivate your employee
  • Get more information on the latest trends
  • Use the 10 and 5 rule

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FAQs for Best Practices of Hotel Management

What are the 10 basic principles of hospitality managers?

The 10 ethical principles of hotel managers include the following:

  • Integrity
  • Honesty
  • Law-abiding
  • Trustworthy
  • Loyalty
  • Fairness
  • Respect
  • Commitment
  • Leadership
  • Concern for others

What are the 3 C's of hospitality?

In order words, to satisfy your guests, you need the 3 C’s of hospitality, which include:

  • Communication
  • Convenience 
  • Choice

What are the 4 Ps of hospitality?

The 4 Ps are price, product, place, and promotion.