Haunted hotels in London

As the capital of England and one of the best cities in the world for live music, cuisine, and history, London has a lot to offer the typical traveler. But if you like to spend your days reading about hauntings and your nights exploring exotic locations in quest of ghosts, you shouldn’t worry. Due to the long and stormy history of the city, particularly at some of its oldest hotels, London is ripe for paranormal activity.

Book a stay at one of these haunted hotels in London, UK, and discover whether Napoleon III’s troubled spirit or a group of ghostly kids playing on the level above are the things that go bump in the night. Here are some of the most haunted hotels in London.

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#1. The Langham,  Marylebone

Image source: Tripadvisor

This upmarket downtown hotel is one of the most haunted hotels in London, and it has been a meeting spot for the rich and famous since its founding in 1865. Its inaugural night received distinguished visitors of royal and aristocratic standing, and the trend has continued.

As time passed, the 500-room hotel remained competitive in order to serve its upper-echelon visitors, becoming one of the world’s first hotels to provide running hot and cold water in every room. morphing into a man-like figure hovering in the air Some believe the spectral apparition, observed by other guests dressed in Victorian attire, is the ghost of a doctor who murdered his wife and subsequently committed suicide in this chamber.

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#2. Bloomsbury Grange Blooms Hotel

Image source: Booking.com

This tiny, opulent building screams haunted and is one of London’s most spooky hotels. It is conveniently situated in the heart of the city. It was constructed as a townhouse in the 1700s, as shown by the furniture, which is in keeping with the time period. In order to create a comfortable and unique historic attraction, the hotel has been furnished with as much original furniture and design as is practical.

With its 26 historic rooms reputed to house spirits as well as humans, Grange Blooms is one of London’s most well-known ghost tourism destinations. The Grange Blooms Hotel, which is part of the British Museum’s grounds, has a rich history. It was, for example, one of Dr. John Cumming’s favorite places to stay in London and is rumored to still be the location of his afterlife.

For ghost hunters who want mild hauntings that will leave them giggling and wide-eyed rather than afraid and shaken, this is the perfect place to visit. In the 1800s, Dr. John Cumming was a clergyman and conspiracy theorist. He devoted his entire life to looking for apocalyptic prophecies in the Bible.

Even though he predicted in his novels that the world would end in the middle of the 1800s, his ghost can still be seen in the hotel lobby perusing the Bible. You can wait for the end of the world with Dr. Cumming at the Grange Blooms. The best shopping in London can be found on a stroll around the hotel. From the hotel, take a short cab trip to the unsettling London Tombs.

#3. Chelsea’s Cadogan Hotel, England

Image source: Tripadvisor

The Cadogan Hotel in Chelsea is another historic location with a celebrity-filled past that is well-known to modern mediums and ghost seekers. At the Cadogan, renowned people from London and other countries have stayed. Oscar Wilde, who was infamously detained for homosexuality in Room 118, is among them. Despite that appalling and depressing chapter in English history, it is not believed that Wilde’s ghost still resides at the opulent hotel. There is a lot of ghostly material thanks to the building’s more than 130-year history as a hotel.

For a challenge, paranormal sleuths should search for Lillie Langtry’s ghost here. There is a rumor that the ghost haunts the hotel every Christmas, . In the early 20th century, Langtry was a wonderfully attractive actress. She became well-known due to her beautiful appearance and her covert relationship with the Prince of Wales.

She allegedly lived close by the hotel when she wooed the prince in one of the establishment’s Sloane Street rooms. 1929 saw her passing in Monaco. However, mediums assert that she visits the Cadogan each Christmas to observe the occasion in her previous residence. Only when the motel is virtually deserted does her spirit materialize. So, to improve your chances of meeting her, it could be essential to stay up late or get in touch with the personnel.

#4. The Savoy, Strand

Image source: SFO777

One of London’s premier luxury hotels, The Savoy is situated at Charing Cross. This 268-room hotel, a favorite of many notable visitors. This includes Marilyn Monroe and Bob Dylan and is popular for a lot more than its ghostly occurrences. The vast windows and balconies of the buildings provide exceptional views of the Thames. The hotel has welcomed London’s aristocracy for more than 130 years, which is a surefire indicator of a wonderful historic hangout.

Despite the Savoy’s fine meals, exclusive river excursions, swimming pool, and spas, some visitors have reported feeling unsettled due to its ghosts. The tiny girl bellhop who hangs out in the elevator and on the fifth level is the most well-known character. She doesn’t seem unfriendly, despite some claims that she was slain or passed away in the structure.

She likes operating the elevator and exploring the hallways, particularly around room 502, which has the greatest ghostly activity. With the unexplained movements of the elevator and the sporadic sightings of the girl’s apparition, the hotel experiences intermittent paranormal activity. Thankfully, the Embankment tube station is close by and a fantastic area to search for paranormal signs like cold spots and self-swinging doors.

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#5. Westminster’s Georgian House Hotel

Image source: The Literary Edith

Fortunately, one of London’s most haunted hotels is also one of its more affordable B&Bs, providing a uniquely London experience and close proximity to the Victoria tube station. The hotel even has wizard-themed rooms that look exactly like Harry Potter dorms, making it a great place to visit with children or to visit the ghosts of some of the characters.

The most famous apparitions at the hotel are a group of mischievous children who hang out on the top floor. When some Georgian House guests heard children running through the corridors, slamming doors, and laughing loudly, they complained to the staff, who informed them, unsettlingly, that no children were staying at the hotel at the time. It’s nothing new for the Georgian House team, who were the first to confirm it.

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